- 云作战 /
- 作战云 /
- 建模 /
- 仿真 /
- 观察-调整-决策-行动(OODA)
Abstract:With the rapid development and wide application of information technology such as big data, cloud computing, Internet of Things, and mobile Internet, new combat modes continue to emerge. The "cloud operation" with the core of the task distributed command & control process becomes a brand-new cross-domain full-dimensional combat style. Based on the analysis of the feature of combat cloud and cloud operation, combined with conventional combat simulation process, cloud operation system simulation process is proposed, and the cloud operations structured simulation platform architecture design and system function design are proposed. Through cloud operation structured simulation examples, it compares the observe-orient-decide-act (OODA) cycle of traditional combat styles with cloud operation styles. The results show that the cloud operation style can effectively shorten the OODA cycle time.
Key words:
- cloud operation /
- combat cloud /
- modeling /
- simulation /
- observe-orient-decide-act (OODA)
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