Abstract:A dynamic model of a typical tri-tiltrotor UAV was established. The optimal tilt angle curve in the transition process was studied to reduce the influence of lateral coupling on longitudinal motion, and energy consumption. Based on the analysis of the influence of the tilt angle curve on the transition process, a improved motion profile algorithm was proposed to parameterize the tilt angle curve. A two-phase optimization scheme was proposed to optimize parameters. In the first phase, the minimum coupling degree of lateral control and the minimum energy consumption of the transition process are considered. The optimal tilt angle problem model was constructed by using the curve parameters as the optimization variables.The optimal tilt angle problem was solved by genetic algorithm. In the second phase, a servo dynamics model was introduced for further optimization to reduce the overshoot in the end-stage considering transition time and system overshoot. The results of comparison with the three existing typical tilt angle curves show that, in given transition time, the proposed optimal tilt angle curve effectively reduces the lateral control coupling degree and the energy consumption during the transition process, and reduces the overshoot at the end of the transition.
表 1 飞行器参数
Table 1. Aircraft parameters
参数 数值 巡航速度/(m·s-1) 33 巡航迎角/(°) 5 尾部电机平衡倾角/(°) 10 升降舵平衡舵偏角/(°) 6 飞行器质量/kg 5 单发最大推力/N 26 升力系数 0.178 8 阻力系数 0.044 1 机翼面积/m2 0.4 俯仰发动机力臂(前、后)/m 0.4 发动机横侧力臂 0.18 气动俯仰力矩系数 0.00 086 75 平均气动弦长/m 0.16 表 2 初始约束条件
Table 2. Initial constraint condition
参数 μ1 μ2 数值 [0°, 90°] [μ1, 90°] [0, 9](°)/s 表 3 遗传算法优化后参数
Table 3. Genetic algorithm optimized parameters
参数 μ1/(°) μ2/(°) /((°)·s-1)数值 45.15 90 9 表 4 3种倾转曲线对比结果
Table 4. Result of three tilt curves caparsion
参数 匀速倾转 未优化“S”形曲线 本文结果 耦合大小 8.94 14.36 7.10 阻力做功 4 076.7 5 218.0 2 798.9 最大超调量 4.888 6 0.039 1 0.128 3 -
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