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宣传伟 韩景龙

宣传伟, 韩景龙. 重叠网格中隐式装配策略的改进[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2020, 46(2): 350-358. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2019.0260
引用本文: 宣传伟, 韩景龙. 重叠网格中隐式装配策略的改进[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2020, 46(2): 350-358. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2019.0260
XUAN Chuanwei, HAN Jinglong. Enhancement of implicit assembly strategy in overlapping grids[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2020, 46(2): 350-358. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2019.0260(in Chinese)
Citation: XUAN Chuanwei, HAN Jinglong. Enhancement of implicit assembly strategy in overlapping grids[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2020, 46(2): 350-358. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2019.0260(in Chinese)


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2019.0260

国家自然科学基金 11472133



    宣传伟  男, 博士研究生。主要研究方向:气动弹性力学

    韩景龙  男, 博士, 教授, 博士生导师。主要研究方向:气动弹性力学


    韩景龙, E-mail: hjlae@nuaa.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: V211.3

Enhancement of implicit assembly strategy in overlapping grids


National Natural Science Foundation of China 11472133

Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Eduction Institutions 

More Information
  • 摘要:



  • 图 1  隐式挖洞

    Figure 1.  Implicit holecutting

    图 2  洞边界

    Figure 2.  Hole boundary

    图 3  判断单元是否位于物面内部

    Figure 3.  Determine whether a cell is inside wall surface

    图 4  重叠网格系统

    Figure 4.  Overlapping grid system

    图 5  重叠网格系统的物面距离云图

    Figure 5.  Wall surface distance contour of overlapping grid system

    图 6  挖洞后网格

    Figure 6.  Grids after hole cutting

    图 7  基于笛卡儿网格映射的局部贡献单元搜索

    Figure 7.  Local donor cell search based on Cartesian grid mapping

    图 8  30P30N三段式机翼重叠网格效果图

    Figure 8.  Overlapping grid of 30P30N wing

    图 9  30P30N翼面压力云图

    Figure 9.  Pressure contour of 30P30N wing

    图 10  30P30N翼面压力系数对比

    Figure 10.  Comparison of pressure coefficients of 30P30N wing

    图 11  Titan Ⅳ运载火箭重叠网格系统

    Figure 11.  Overlapping grid system for Titan Ⅳ launch vehicle

    图 12  TitanⅣ运载火箭挖洞效果

    Figure 12.  Hole cutting effect of Titan Ⅳ launch vehicle

    图 13  Titan Ⅳ运载火箭对称面流场速度云图

    Figure 13.  Velocity contour of symmetry plane flow of Titan Ⅳ launch vehicle

    图 14  芯级中心线压力分布

    Figure 14.  Pressure distribution along rocket center line

    图 15  机翼挂载重叠网格系统

    Figure 15.  Overlapping grid system of wing store

    图 16  机翼挂载分离挖洞效果

    Figure 16.  Hole cutting effect of wing store separation

    图 17  挂载物下落过程

    Figure 17.  Falling of store

    图 18  机翼挂载分离过程计算结果与实验结果对比

    Figure 18.  Comparison of calculation and experiment resultsof wing store separation process

    表  1  不同策略的网格装配时间比较

    Table  1.   Grid assembly time comparison of different strategies

    策略 网格装配时间/s
    30P30N三段式机翼 Titan Ⅳ运载火箭 机翼挂载分离
    本文策略 2.88 28.54 9 072.34
    文献[35]策略 4.03 40.56 13 670.35
    文献[26]策略 4.55 51.32 16 405.69
    传统策略 5.38 72.66 27 702.00
    下载: 导出CSV
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