Abstract:In order to improve the material loading efficiency in vehicles, this paper proposes a new cylindrical material loading robot used in confined space. The residual vibration of the end-effector has been suppressed by optimizing the joint trajectory. Firstly, the overall design scheme and work flow of the material loading robot are given. Then, combined with the structural characteristics of material loading robot, a closed-form rigid-flexible coupling dynamic model is established according to Lagrange method. The calculation method of end-effector's dynamic response is obtained by modal analysis method. Finally, taking the minimization of the sum of the robot joints' residual elastic potential energy as the optimization target, max-min ant system was taken to optimize the trajectory of the robot joint. The optimization results were verified by simulation. Simulation results show that the optimized joint trajectory can reduce about 34.4% of the joint residual elastic potential energy and about 37.6% of vibration amplitude of the end-effector, while satisfying the demand for fast loading.
表 1 物料装填机器人物理参数定义
Table 1. Physical parameter definition of material loading robot
变量 物理意义 数值 θ1/rad 关节1关节角 d2/m 关节2关节位移 d3/m 关节3关节位移 θ4/rad 关节4关节角 θ5/rad 关节5关节角 m1/kg 关节1质量 90.8 m2/kg 关节2质量 64.1 m3/kg 关节3质量 13.4 m4/kg 关节4质量 26.2 m5/kg 关节5和末端抓持器等效质量 46.4 k1/((N·m)·rad-1) 关节1等效线性刚度 15 000 k2/(N·m-1) 关节2等效线性刚度 15 000 k3/(N·m-1) 关节3等效线性刚度 15 000 k4/((N·m)·
rad-1)关节4等效线性刚度 10 000 k5/((N·m)·
rad-1)关节5等效线性刚度 15 000 I1/(kg·m2) 关节1在坐标系O1x1y1z1中相对于质心的惯量 I2/(kg·m2) 关节2在坐标系O2x2y2z2中相对于质心的惯量 I3/(kg·m2) 关节3在坐标系O3x3y3z3中相对于质心的惯量 I4/(kg·m2) 关节4在坐标系O4x4y4z4中相对于质心的惯量 I5/(kg·m2) 关节5在坐标系O5x5y5z5中相对于质心的惯量 表 2 轨迹插值点
Table 2. Trajectory interpolation points
插值点序号 关节2相对位移/mm 关节3相对位移/mm 关节4相对位移/(°) 0 0 0 0 1 195 0 0 2 305 200 50 3 405 386 90 表 3 插值时间取值范围
Table 3. Value range of interpolation time
s 运动时间 最大值 最小值 t1 2 0.5 t2 2 0.5 t3 2 0.5 表 4 优化前后参数的对比
Table 4. Comparison of parameters before and after optimization
参数 优化前 优化后 运动时间t1/s 2.04 1.77 运动时间t2/s 1.96 1.23 运动时间t3/s 1.02 1.17 时间和t/s 5.02 4.17 残余弹性势能Ek/J 0.878 0.576 x方向误差幅值/mm 5.771 3.487 z方向误差幅值/mm 3.28 2.238 -
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