I 2统计量和I e2统计量的变化来识别复杂性情况。仿真结果表明,所提方法可以较好地识别空中交通复杂性。-
- 空中交通复杂性 /
- 交通拥堵识别 /
- 复杂网络 /
- 独立主元分析(ICA) /
- 空中交通管理
Abstract:Identifying the complexity of air traffic is an important task in air traffic management. Most current algorithms are usually tested using some macro-indexes, such as aircraft density, aircraft clusters, stranded degree, and so on. In this paper, the air traffic situation is described from the perspective of complex networks: aircraft in airspace are regarded as nodes and edges form within Airborne Collision Avoidance System (ACAS) communication ranges. The dynamic air traffic situation is studied by selecting topological characteristic indexes such as loop numbers, node strength, average clustering coefficient, betweenness centrality and network efficiency. On this basis, Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is used to recognize air traffic complexity online and treat the smooth traffic as a training data set. The congestion is recognized according to the changes of SPE-statistic,
I 2-statistic andI e2-statistic. The simulation results show that the proposed method has the ability to identify air traffic complexity well. -
表 1 部分训练样本拓扑指标值
Table 1. Some topological indicator values of training samples
样本序号 LN NS CC BC NE 1 53 9.754 6 0.813 4 0.021 9 40.125 0 2 41 9.145 8 0.827 4 0.029 3 20.569 4 3 60 10.883 2 0.842 7 0.012 9 35.411 3 4 42 8.433 9 0.775 3 0.034 5 20.882 2 5 59 11.977 7 0.852 3 0.015 4 24.790 2 6 52 9.567 7 0.817 6 0.021 1 27.105 3 7 50 9.617 3 0.803 6 0.022 8 31.494 1 8 20 11.570 1 0.723 4 0.029 2 21.478 3 9 41 7.796 3 0.813 3 0.031 0 19.480 9 ┇ ┇ ┇ ┇ ┇ ┇ 50 60 14.536 2 0.855 2 0.013 9 24.163 0 表 2 监测样本拓扑指标值和SPE、I2和Ie2统计值
Table 2. Topological indicator values of monitoring samples and statistic values of SPE, I2 and Ie2
时刻序号 时刻 LN NS CC BC NE SPE I2 Ie2 1 15:40:43 207 23.681 4 0.934 6 0.001 3 185 983 7.467 1×10-29 21.867 4 3.464 4 2 15:45:43 122 24.009 2 0.964 0 0.001 0 145.370 9 5.218 6×10-29 16.758 3 4.589 4 3 15:50:43 65 18.026 1 0.951 9 0.003 5 43.537 8 3.921 4×10-29 14.541 3 1.976 5 4 15:55:44 44 18 223 0.894 1 0.013 5 65.336 2 3.676 3×10-29 13.287 6 5.875 4 5 16:00:43 33 8.149 0 0.884 7 0.010 1 46.486 1 9.812 5×10-30 6.221 8 2.664 7 6 16:05:43 39 10.791 1 0.892 8 0.019 4 41.822 5 1.581 9×10-29 7.543 9 2.545 2 表 3 文献[19]中K-mean算法对相同样本的复杂性识别结果
Table 3. Complexity recognition results of K-mean algorithm for the same sample in Ref.[19]
时刻序号 时刻 N E1, 1 C1, 1 E1, 2 C1, 2 E2, 1 C2, 1 E2, 2 C2, 2 等级 1 15:40:43 24 87 0.934 6 71 0.923 8 66 0.954 7 72 0.955 8 高 2 15:45:43 18 72 0.964 0 81 0.962 7 45 0.943 1 64 0.942 5 高 3 15:50:43 14 66 0.931 9 51 0.925 4 41 0.922 1 35 0.927 6 低 4 15:55:44 13 58 0.914 1 52 0.912 4 45 0.935 0 33 0.898 8 中 5 16:00:43 11 35 0.884 7 34 0.882 1 18 0.884 6 16 0.885 6 低 6 16:05:43 12 41 0.892 8 40 0.881 7 23 0.883 2 25 0.853 0 低 -
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