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吴明功 叶泽龙 温祥西 蒋旭瑞

吴明功, 叶泽龙, 温祥西, 等 . 基于复杂网络的空中交通复杂性识别方法[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2020, 46(5): 839-850. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2019.0354
引用本文: 吴明功, 叶泽龙, 温祥西, 等 . 基于复杂网络的空中交通复杂性识别方法[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2020, 46(5): 839-850. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2019.0354
WU Minggong, YE Zelong, WEN Xiangxi, et al. Air traffic complexity recognition method based on complex networks[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2020, 46(5): 839-850. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2019.0354(in Chinese)
Citation: WU Minggong, YE Zelong, WEN Xiangxi, et al. Air traffic complexity recognition method based on complex networks[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2020, 46(5): 839-850. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2019.0354(in Chinese)


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2019.0354

国家自然科学基金 71801221

陕西省自然科学研究计划 2018JQ7004


    吴明功  男, 硕士, 教授, 硕士生导师。主要研究方向:空中交通管理、管制指挥与安全

    叶泽龙  男, 硕士研究生。主要研究方向:空中交通管制指挥与安全

    温祥西  男, 博士, 讲师。主要研究方向:空管自动化技术

    蒋旭瑞  男, 硕士研究生。主要研究方向:冲突探测与解脱技术


    温祥西, E-mail: wxxajy@163.com

  • 中图分类号: V355

Air traffic complexity recognition method based on complex networks


National Natural Science Foundation of China 71801221

Shaanxi Province Natural Science Research Plan 2018JQ7004

More Information
  • 摘要:



  • 图 1  飞行状态网络结构差异性

    Figure 1.  Difference of flight state network structures

    图 2  边权设置

    Figure 2.  Edge weight setting

    图 3  本文方法主要流程

    Figure 3.  Main flow of proposed method

    图 4  网络结构随节点数增多的变化情况

    Figure 4.  Variation of network structure with increase of node number

    图 5  相同节点数不同分布时网络结构的差异

    Figure 5.  Difference of network structure with the same node number but different distribution of nodes

    图 6  监测图(均匀分布且节点数为50)

    Figure 6.  Monitoring charts (uniformly distributed and node number equals to 50)

    图 7  变量对偏差的贡献

    Figure 7.  Contribution of variables to deviation

    图 8  不同节点数和分布时的监测图

    Figure 8.  Monitoring charts with different node number and distribution

    图 9  进近阶段不同时刻雷达屏幕截图

    Figure 9.  Radar screenshots at different moments in phase of approaching

    图 10  进近阶段不同时刻离散子网络

    Figure 10.  Discrete sub-network structures at different moments in phase of approaching

    表  1  部分训练样本拓扑指标值

    Table  1.   Some topological indicator values of training samples

    1539.754 60.813 40.021 940.125 0
    2419.145 80.827 40.029 320.569 4
    36010.883 20.842 70.012 935.411 3
    4428.433 90.775 30.034 520.882 2
    55911.977 70.852 30.015 424.790 2
    6529.567 70.817 60.021 127.105 3
    7509.617 30.803 60.022 831.494 1
    82011.570 10.723 40.029 221.478 3
    9417.796 30.813 30.031 019.480 9
    506014.536 20.855 20.013 924.163 0
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    表  2  监测样本拓扑指标值和SPE、I2Ie2统计值

    Table  2.   Topological indicator values of monitoring samples and statistic values of SPE, I2 and Ie2

    115:40:4320723.681 40.934 60.001 3185 9837.467 1×10-2921.867 43.464 4
    215:45:4312224.009 20.964 00.001 0145.370 95.218 6×10-2916.758 34.589 4
    315:50:436518.026 10.951 90.003 543.537 83.921 4×10-2914.541 31.976 5
    415:55:444418 2230.894 10.013 565.336 23.676 3×10-2913.287 65.875 4
    516:00:43338.149 00.884 70.010 146.486 19.812 5×10-306.221 82.664 7
    616:05:433910.791 10.892 80.019 441.822 51.581 9×10-297.543 92.545 2
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    表  3  文献[19]中K-mean算法对相同样本的复杂性识别结果

    Table  3.   Complexity recognition results of K-mean algorithm for the same sample in Ref.[19]

    时刻序号时刻NE1, 1C1, 1E1, 2C1, 2E2, 1C2, 1E2, 2C2, 2等级
    115:40:4324870.934 6710.923 8660.954 7720.955 8
    215:45:4318720.964 0810.962 7450.943 1640.942 5
    315:50:4314660.931 9510.925 4410.922 1350.927 6
    415:55:4413580.914 1520.912 4450.935 0330.898 8
    516:00:4311350.884 7340.882 1180.884 6160.885 6
    616:05:4312410.892 8400.881 7230.883 2250.853 0
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