Intelligent detection and autonomous capture system of seafood based on underwater robot
Abstract:Currently, underwater robot faces the tough challenges of lacking intelligent detection and autonomous capture system to guide. Therefore, autonomous capture is hard to be achieved. Toward this end, this paper proposes an intelligent detection and autonomous capture system to achieve intelligent detection of marine target and guide the underwater robot to autonomously capture seafood. First, we employ convolutional neural network to perform object detection task in underwater scene and train the DSOD with underwater dataset to accurately detect marine objects. What's more, the short baseline positioning system is built to locate the underwater robot. To calculate the position of the object relative to robot, this paper proposes a coordinate transforming method to transform the target's location from camera coordinates system to underwater positioning coordinates. Furthermore, this paper designs a multi-signal analysis method based on feedback mechanism to command the robot to move ahead to the seafood until grasping them. To verify the effectiveness of the system, we develop an underwater picking robot and successfully apply the proposed methods to the robot to autonomously detect and capture the marine object.
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