Three-dimensional human pose estimation based on multi-source image weakly-supervised learning
Abstract:Three-dimensional human pose estimation is a hot research topic in the field of computer vision. Aimed at the lack of labels in depth images and the low generalization ability of models caused by single human pose, this paper innovatively proposes a method of 3D human pose estimation based on multi-source image weakly-supervised learning. This method mainly includes the following points. First, multi-source image fusion training method is used to improve the generalization ability of the model. Second, weakly-supervised learning approach is proposed to solve the problem of label insufficiency. Third, in order to improve the attitude estimation results, this paper improve the design of the residual module. The experimental results show that the regression accuracy from our improved network increases by 0.2%, and meanwhile the training time reduces by 28% compared with the original network. In a word, the proposed method obtains excellent estimation results with both depth images and color images.
Key words:
- human pose estimation /
- hourglass networks /
- weakly-supervised /
- multi-source image /
- depth image
表 1 不同模型对应的训练图像
Table 1. Training images corresponding to different models
模型 训练数据 深度图像数据库 彩色图像数据库 ITOP K2HGD MPII Human 3.6M 文献[13] √ √ M-H36M(本文) √ √ I-H36M(本文) √ √ IK-H36M(本文) √ √ √ IKM-H36M(本文) √ √ √ √ 表 2 不同模型准确率、参数量及训练时间对比
Table 2. Comparison of accuracy rate, parameter quantity and training time among different models
模型 准确率/ % 参数量/ 106 训练时间/ (s·batch-1) 本文模型(131~128) 90.10 31.00 0.16 文献[13] (131~256) 92.26 116.60 0.29 本文模型(333~128) 92.48 101.10 0.21 本文模型(333~256) 92.92 390.00 0.41 表 3 不同沙漏网络个数准确率、参数量及训练时间对比
Table 3. Comparison of accuracy rate, parameter quantity and training time with different numbers of hourglass network
模型 准确率/ % 参数量/ 106 训练时间/ (s·batch-1) 文献[13] (2 stack) 92.26 116.60 0.29 本文模型(2 stack) 92.48 101.10 0.21 本文模型(4 stack) 92.83 185.30 0.32 表 4 基于PDJ评价指标,不同训练模型在Human 3.6M测试图像上的3D人体姿态估计结果
Table 4. Three-dimensional pose estimation results of different regression models on Human 3.6M test images base on based on PDJ evaluation criteria
方法 准确率/% 脚踝 膝盖 髋 手腕 手肘 肩膀 头 平均 文献[13] 65.00 82.90 89.27 77.91 86.46 94.73 94.42 84.38 M-H36M(本文) 75.07 90.33 94.69 80.92 86.24 96.38 94.69 88.33 I-H36M(本文) 71.52 88.03 92.52 76.46 82.55 94.07 95.30 85.78 IK-H36M(本文) 79.23 91.60 94.40 77.61 81.40 92.69 93.34 87.18 IKM-H36M(本文) 74.98 91.06 94.33 78.65 85.21 95.77 95.16 87.88 -
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