Active disturbance rejection control method for position servo system based on electro-hydraulic load sensing
- 泵阀协调控制系统 /
- 电液负载敏感 /
- 自抗扰控制器(ADRC) /
- 扩张状态观测器(ESO) /
- 液压伺服系统
Abstract:To deal with the strong interaction between position loop and pressure loop in the electro-hydraulic load sensing control system, we propose a decoupling strategy based on Active Disturbance Rejection Control (ADRC) in this paper. First, according to the equation expressions built by theoretical analysis, the stale space mode model of the load sensing control system was established. Then, position ADRC controller and pressure ADRC controller are designed to control piston position and pump pressure independently. The dynamic interaction between the position loop and pressure loop, external disturbances and uncertainties are treated as total disturbances, which were compensated by ADRC controller. Finally, co-simulation experiment was conducted by using MATLAB and AMESim. The simulation results show that the proposed control strategy can eliminate the strong interaction between the position loop and pressure loop, and improve the control accuracy and robustness of the system. In addition, the dynamic performance and energy-saving efficiency are compared with those of valve-controlled and pump-controlled systems. The simulation results show that the dynamic performance of the load sensing system based on ADRC is better than that of the pump-controlled system, and the energy efficiency is also greatly improved compared with the valve-controlled system.
表 1 系统仿真参数
Table 1. System simulation parameters
参数 数值 Pr/Pa 0 Ap/m2 6.4×10-4 Cpl/m3·s-1·Pa-1 8.33×10-12 m/kg 10 B/(N·(m·s-1)) 500 Dp/(m3·r-1) 2×10-5 ρ/(kg·m-3) 850 βe/bar 7 000 p 20 ωpo 1 000 ωpc 500 bv 7 ωvo 900 ωpo 300 注:1bar=100kPa。 -
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