Competing failure modeling for degradation-shock dependence systems with shock toughness
m-δ 冲击模型考虑了系统抵抗冲击载荷的能力,即只有随机冲击频率高于一定水平才会导致突发失效,其余情况只会对退化过程产生影响。然后,在此基础上,通过修正非线性Wiener过程模型来考虑随机冲击对系统退化在退化增量和退化速率两方面的影响。最后,采用某空间用存储芯片案例对所提方法进行验证,并开展了参数敏感性分析,结果表明了所提方法的合理性与有效性。Abstract:Failure of complex systems is usually the result of dependent competing between degradation failure and sudden failure caused by some random shocks. In this paper, a degradation-shock dependent competing failure model and reliability evaluation method based on nonlinear Wiener process are proposed for some systems with shock toughness. The
m-δ shock model is used to consider the ability of the system to resist the shock load, that is, only when the random shock frequency is higher than a certain level, a sudden failure will occur, and in other cases, only the degradation process will be affected. On this basis, the nonlinear Wiener process model is modified to consider the effect of random shock on the degradation of the system in both the degradation increment and the degradation rate. Finally, a space memory unit case is used to verify the proposed method, and the parameter sensitivity analysis is carried out.-
Key words:
- shock toughness /
- degradation /
- random shock /
- dependence /
- competing failure /
- nonlinear Wiener process
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