System identification of a 2-DOF wing section with freeplay nonlinearity
Abstract:On one hand, it is difficult to establish an accurate dynamical model description reflecting structural characteristics of a real-world complex structure with freeplay nonlinearity because of the inconvenience or impossibility of measuring the gap. On the other hand, even though the freeplay has been estimated, the modal parameters of the nominal linear system of the structure are still out of reach. Therefore, in this paper, nonlinear system identification was performed by the usage of conditioned reverse path method and time-domain nonlinear subspace identification method to obtain the parameters of freeplay nonlinearity as well as the frequency response function of the nominal linear system of the nonlinear structure. A 2-DOF wing section was chosen as a demonstration, on which the numerical experiments of ground vibration tests were performed. Nonlinear system identification was carried out by applying the conditioned reverse path method and time-domain nonlinear subspace identification method. Consequently, the nominal linear system can be accurately estimated by both methods, and the identified parameters of freeplay nonlinearity can also be obtained by smooth function approximation in conditioned reverse path method and by reconstruction via a series of piecewise linear functions in time-domain nonlinear subspace identification method.
表 1 二元翼段结构基本参数
Table 1. Main structural parameters of 2-DOF wing section
参数 数值 半弦长b/m 0.1 刚心与中心相对距离a -0.2 质量m/kg 2.9 重心与刚心距离xa/m 0.01 静矩Sα/(kg·m) 0.029 转动惯量Iα/(kg·m2) 0.024 表 2 激励水平与对应的随机力RMS值
Table 2. Excitation levels and corresponding RMS value of random excitation force
激励水平 随机力RMS/N 1 0.004 8 2 0.011 8 3 0.022 6 4 0.048 6 5 0.069 0 6 0.114 4 7 0.182 5 8 0.230 8 9 0.486 0 10 0.729 6 11 1.100 0 12 1.997 4 13 2.215 9 14 2.767 9 15 3.722 0 16 4.970 4 17 7.373 1 18 11.610 5 19 25.501 0 表 3 不同激励水平下辨识的非线性系数
Table 3. Identified nonlinear coefficient under different excitation levels
随机力RMS/(N·m) 非线性系数 0.048 6 -0.250 8 0.069 0 -0.253 8 0.230 8 -0.250 5 0.486 0 -0.244 0 表 4 条件逆谱法和时域非线性子空间法属性对比
Table 4. Property comparison between CRP and TNSI
属性 条件逆谱法 时域非线性子空间法 域 频域 时域 多自由度 是 是 多种非线性 是 是 迭代计算 是 否 数据 稳态数据 任意数据 数据前处理 离散傅里叶变换 否 间隙描述 函数近似 多间隙重构 稳态图 是 是 计算量 低 中等 ULS辨识精度 高 高 OLS辨识精度 高 高 间隙辨识精度 间隙边界:一般
刚度辨识:高 -
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