Reliability analysis for systems subject to competing failure processes based on uncertainty theory
δ 冲击模型下,研究了系统的确信可靠度,结果表明:在有新研发的产品、故障数据较少的复杂系统,用不确定理论的方法来描述模型更合适,并通过数值分析显示了模型的有效性。Abstract:For complex systems with newly developed products and less failure data, a competitive failure model in which natural degradation and external shocks are independent of each other in an uncertain environment is proposed. Considering that the system suffers from natural degradation and external shocks at the same time, the continuous natural degradation is described by an uncertain process, and the time interval of the shock arrival and the damage to the system caused by each shock are described by two different uncertain variables. Using the uncertainty theory, the system belief reliability is studied under the extreme shock model, cumulative shock model, and
δ shock model. The results show that in the case of newly developed products and complex systems with less failure data, the method of uncertainty theory is more appropriate to describe the model, and numerical analysis shows the effectiveness of the model. -
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