Blocking jamming effect prediction method under multi-frequency in-band radiation environment for spectrum-dependent equipment
E ame/E sine)确定受试装备电磁辐射敏感类型的方法。E ame/E sine>0.9时,受试装备对干扰场强有效值敏感,0.612 <E ame/E sine < 0.9时,受试装备对干扰场强幅值敏感。通信电台带内双频、三频电磁辐射效应试验验证表明:所提建模预测方法的误差小于10%,能够有效预测用频装备带内多频连续波电磁辐射效应。Abstract:In order to solve the technical problem of accurately evaluating radiation effects of spectrum-dependent equipment in complex electromagnetic environment, based on the basic theory of electromagnetic wave coupling transmission, this paper deduces and reveals that the poor linearity and insufficient dynamic range of RF front-end are the essential reasons why the electromagnetic radiation effect is sensitive to the effective value or amplitude of interference field strength. On this basis, two kinds of electromagnetic radiation effect models are established when the spectrum-dependent equipment is interfered by multi-frequency in-band continuous wave. And the method to judge the electromagnetic radiation sensitivity type of the tested equipment is proposed by the effective value ratio of critical interference field strength (
E ame/E sine) of amplitude modulation wave (modulation depth 100%) and single-frequency continuous wave. WhenE ame/E sine>0.9, the tested equipment is sensitive to the effective value of interference field strength. And when 0.612 <E ame/E sine < 0.9, the tested equipment is sensitive to the amplitude of interference field strength. The dual-frequency and tri-frequency electromagnetic radiation tests are performed on difference communication equipment in this paper. The results show that the error of the forecasting method is less than 10%, and the proposed method can effectively predict electromagnetic radiation effect when the spectrum-dependent equipment is interfered by multi-frequency in-band continuous wave. -
表 1 Eame/Esine对应的归一化场强值和干扰因子
Table 1. Threshold of normalized field strength and interference factor with different Eame/Esine
Eame/Esine 归一化场强值Un 干扰因子α/% 0.66 0.999 3.40 0.68 0.997 4.76 0.70 0.995 6.11 0.72 0.993 7.44 0.74 0.991 8.42 0.76 0.988 9.96 0.78 0.985 11.14 0.80 0.982 12.10 表 2 受试电台正弦调幅波与单频连续波电磁辐射临界干扰场强比较
Table 2. Comparison of electromagnetic radiation critical interference threshold between sine AM wave and single-frequency continuous wave for tested equipment
电台调制方式 Eame/Esine 多频场强敏感类型 CPTCM 0.964 有效值 FM 0.721 幅值 FM 0.986 有效值 AM 0.678 幅值 GMSK 0.637 幅值 表 3 场强有效值敏感型电台带内双频电磁辐射效应测试结果
Table 3. Dual-frequency in-band electromagnetic radiation effect test results of RMS-field-strength sensitivity equipment
工作频率/MHz 干扰频偏/kHz 线性不良多频干扰系数SI测试值 SI均值 60 -20 15 0.950 0.981 1.020 1.057 0.986 0.999 60 -20 10 1.080 1.057 1.057 1.080 1.022 1.059 80 -15 5 1.015 1.007 1.053 0.992 0.948 1.003 80 -10 10 1.105 0.992 0.982 0.952 1.000 1.006 表 4 场强有效值敏感型电台带内三频电磁辐射效应测试结果
Table 4. Tri-frequency in-band electromagnetic radiation effect test results of RMS-field-strength sensitivity equipment
工作频率/MHz 干扰频偏/kHz 线性不良多频干扰系数SI测试值 SI均值 40 -10 40 10 1.075 1.016 1.091 1.052 1.042 1.015 1.052 0.996 60 -20 10 20 0.936 0.949 1.015 0.981 1.009 0.999 1.091 1.091 80 -15 5 20 1.016 1.045 1.030 1.004 1.038 1.065 1.059 1.013 1.069 表 5 工作频率为40 MHz时场强幅值敏感型电台带内双频电磁辐射效应测试结果
Table 5. Dual-frequency in-band electromagnetic radiation effect test results of peak-field-strength sensitivity equipment with fs=40 MHz
单/双频 临界干扰电平/dBm 修正前SⅡ 修正后SⅡ 干扰频率39.994 MHz 干扰频率40.003 MHz 单频 -9.4 -10.7 双频 -11.8 -16.3 1.283 1.148 -12.6 -17.8 1.133 1.015 -13.4 -16.6 1.138 1.016 -14.2 -14.5 1.221 1.09 -15 -14.2 1.193 1.066 -15.8 13.3 1.22 1.092 均值 1.198 1.071 表 6 工作频率为60 MHz时场强幅值敏感型电台带内双频电磁辐射效应测试结果
Table 6. Dual-frequency in-band electromagnetic radiation effect test results of peak-field-strength sensitivity equipment with fs=60 MHz
单/双频 临界干扰电平/dBm 修正前SⅡ 修正后SⅡ 干扰频率59.994 MHz 干扰频率60.003 MHz 单频 -11.4 -9.4 双频 -13.8 -16.7 1.19 1.068 -14.6 -15.6 1.182 1.057 -15.4 -14.6 1.181 1.054 -16.2 -13.7 1.185 1.058 -17 -13.1 1.178 1.052 -17.8 -12.4 1.187 1.062 均值 1.184 1.059 表 7 工作频率为40 MHz时场强幅值敏感型电台带内三频电磁辐射效应测试结果
Table 7. Tri-frequency in-band electromagnetic radiation effect test results of peak-field-strength sensitivity equipment with fs=40 MHz
单/三频 临界干扰电平/dBm 修正前SⅡ 修正后SⅡ 干扰频率39.995 MHz 干扰频率40 MHz 干扰频率40.004 MHz 单频 -4.3 -0.7 -0.7 三频 -13.1 -6.7 -6.7 1.366 1.023 -10.3 -8.9 -6.7 1.391 1.04 -11 -7.7 -7.7 1.356 1.013 -11.3 -6.8 -7.7 1.389 1.039 -11.3 -7.7 -6.8 1.389 1.037 -9.5 -8.7 -8.7 1.346 1.011 -12.3 -8.7 -5.6 1.365 1.024 均值 1.372 1.027 表 8 工作频率为60 MHz时场强幅值敏感型电台带内三频电磁辐射效应测试结果
Table 8. Tri-frequency in-band electromagnetic radiation effect test results of peak-field-strength sensitivity equipment with fs=60 MHz
单/三频 临界干扰电平/dBm 修正前SⅡ 修正后SⅡ 干扰频率59.994 MHz 干扰频率59.997 MHz 干扰频率60.005 MHz 单频 -10.8 -9.4 -6.8 三频 -16.8 -15.4 -16.1 1.345 1.013 -16.8 -16.5 -12.8 1.444 1.073 -18.1 -15.4 -12.8 1.434 1.07 -17.8 -16.4 -12 1.443 1.07 -17.8 -14.8 -13.8 1.43 1.072 -16.3 -16.4 -13.8 1.424 1.062 均值 1.42 1.06 -
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