Numerical simulation and test investigation on interference characteristics of grid fins with missile body at supersonic speed
Abstract:For cross layout grid fin-missile body configuration, the vertical grid fins will be exposed to the interference regions of head separated vortices, and thus the horizontal grid fins will be immersed in the missile body upward flow while a certain body's angle of attack exists. Therefore, there will be a greater difference in the aerodynamic characteristics of grid fins between two installation forms: vertically and horizontally. In order to investigate the missile body interference on the grid fins, numerical simulations based on typical grid fin and grid fin-missile body configuration were conducted at supersonic speed. The aerodynamic characteristics of single grid fin and grid fin with body interference were compared. Flow characteristics and load distributions of grid fins installed differently were analyzed. The correction method for the aerodynamic characteristics of grid fins with body interference obtained from the aerodynamic characteristics of single grid fin was studied. Moreover, by wind tunnel validation tests, data differences of grid fins in different installation ways were obtained, and the correction method obtained from the cross upward flow theory of the body was explored to be practicable. Thus, it provides data supports for the high-speed wind tunnel tests of grid fins and data correction technology facing engineering application.
Key words:
- grid fin /
- upward flow /
- normal force /
- correction method /
- missile body interference
表 1 栅格舵外形尺寸
Table 1. Main dimensions of grid fins
H/D L/D C/D h0/D 0.875 0.875 0.25 0.375 -
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