Quantitative characterization method for anti-chaff-jamming performance of radio fuze based on probability of ignition
Abstract:In order to overcome the shortage of existing anti-chaff-jamming quantitative characterization methods for radio fuze, taking the fuse of anti-aircraft missiles as an example, a quantitative characterization method of anti-chaff-jamming ability of radio fuze based on initiation probability is proposed by combining chaff cloud trajectory model and probability statistical method. Based on the analysis of the spiral descent motion of a single chaff wire, the trajectory of the chaff cloud is obtained by iterating the 6-DOF nonlinear difference equation. The dynamic volume density function of chaff cloud is derived by quasi-Monte Carlo method. The non-initiation probability of fuze under near-zone interference and far-zone interference of chaff cloud is calculated by using the motion model of chaff cloud and the dynamic volume density function, respectively. The trajectory model of chaff cloud is constructed based on MATLAB. After detailed analysis, the dynamic point distribution model of chaff cloud is obtained. On this basis, the dynamic volume density function of chaff cloud is obtained by quasi-Monte Carlo method. The volume of chaff cloud is obtained by using octree algorithm and least square surface method. Finally, the probability of fuze initiation caused by chaff cloud interference is calculated according to the probability definition formula. The results show that the proposed method is objective and reasonable, which provides a theoretical basis for designing the starting conditions of anti-chaff-cloud-interference algorithm of radio fuze in the future.
Key words:
- radio fuze /
- chaff cloud /
- anti-jamming /
- quantitative characterization method /
- probability of ignition
表 1 箔条丝在不同姿态下的法向力因子和轴向力因子
Table 1. Normal force factor and axial force factor of chaff dipoles at different attitude angles
姿态角/(°) 法向力因子CN 轴向力因子CA 10 7.6 21.7 20 15.9 31.8 30 29.1 43.9 40 39.8 44.3 50 40.3 33.3 60 41.4 22.6 70 43.8 15.1 80 45.2 10.3 90 45.9 1 表 2 不同时刻的QMCV计算结果
Table 2. Calculation results of QMCV at different moments
体积/m30.002 5 875 2.2 0.016 6 2 385 5.3 0.052 7 3 412 41 0.082 8 3 816 260 0.114 9 4 233 1.1×103 0.162 10 4 621 7.6×103 0.228 11 5 169 5.9×104 0.322 12 5 645 4.6×105 0.454 13 6 231 3.6×106 0.642 14 6 805 2.9×107 0.908 15 7 432 2.3×108 1.284 16 8 031 4.4×108 1.816 17 8 736 6.7×108 2.568 18 9 432 1.0×109 3.63 19 10 229 1.4×109 -
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