Numerical analyses of liquid-vapor interface in two-phase thermal-controlled accumulator under microgravity condition
- 两相控温型储液器 /
- 机械泵驱动两相流体回路 /
- 气液界面 /
- 微重力 /
- 数值模拟
Abstract:Two-phase thermal-controlled accumulator plays a vital role in mechanically pumped two-phase loop system. And the distribution state of liquid and vapor is one of the key factors that decide the temperature control performance of the accumulator. The distribution state of fluid in accumulator under on-orbit microgravity condition is significantly different from that on ground, which brings great difficulties to the accumulator design. In order to study the two-phase medium distribution characteristics of accumulator under on-orbit microgravity condition, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) method was used to simulate the two-phase flow behavior. The continuum surface force model and volume of fluid method were adopted to calculate the surface tension and track the liquid-vapor interface shape, respectively. By comparison between simulation results and theoretical solution, it shows that the results are consistent. Several influence parameters, including different Bond numbers, contact angles and filing ratios, were studied, the movement and distribution characteristics of the two-phase medium were obtained.The results indicate that the liquid-vapor interface shape is related to the size, wall wettability and medium filling ratio of accumulator. The results presented in this paper can provide theory basis for the control of liquid-vapor interface in accumulator, and can guide the research, development and on-orbit application of accumulator.
表 1 氨工质参数
Table 1. Parameters of ammonia as working medium
参数 液相氨 气相氨 密度ρ/(kg·m-3) 610 0.689 黏度μ/(kg·(m·s-1)-1) 1.52×10-4 1.015×10-5 -
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