Autonomous planning of on-orbit evasion path based on Frenet and improved artificial potential field
Abstract:In the process of evading the space target, the spacecraft should take into account the absolute motion of flight along the transfer orbit and the relative motion of evading the space target. The corresponding path automatic planning is difficult, and there are few public research results at home and abroad. In view of the above problems, a method of autonomous planning of on-orbit evasion path combining Frenet coordinate system and improved artificial potential field is proposed. Firstly, this method constructs Frenet coordinate system to express spacial evasive motion, solves the problem that the relative position of spacecraft and the given transfer orbit is not easy to express in path planning, and achieves a simple representation of spatial evasive motion. Secondly, this method improves the artificial potential field function, adjusts the area of action of the potential field, and avoids the phenomena of premature trajectory deviation and local oscillation in the traditional artificial potential field method, so as to achieve the autonomous evasion of the space target. Finally, the global optimization function is constructed by taking into account the factors of evasion safety, orbit holding, braking time and fuel consumption, which can meet the requirements and preferences of different tasks, so as to realize the minimum deviation and fast recovery of the flight along the transfer orbit. The results of algorithm comparison and numerical examples show that this method has obvious advantages in application, with smooth path and small offset, and can meet the requirements of path planning for spacecraft to evade space targets.
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