x -z 平面模型,设定合理的参数和限制,使用最优规划方法提出了适用于新型四旋翼翻转、竖直等机动飞行轨迹的生成方法,其中推力与转矩都是实现时间最短的最优方案。搭建了包括电子调速器、电机、桨叶、机架等部件在内的详细的仿真试验环境。仿真试验的结果验证了双向电机驱动的四旋翼相比于传统四旋翼,能有效提高姿态跟踪与位置跟踪的精度,提升了飞行器的机动性。-
- 四旋翼飞行器(QUAV) /
- 四元数建模 /
- 机动性 /
- 双向推力 /
- 轨迹规划
Abstract:The position and attitude control of Quadrotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (QUAV) determines its maneuverability. First, to overcome the mobility defect of the under-actuated system, the dynamic model of bi-directional-motor-driven QUAV based on quaternion is presented, including the analysis on omnidirectional movement process. The attitude and position controllers and QUAV's control allocation matrix are illustrated. Then, considering the vertical
x -z plane model custom-built for the new QUAV, the optimal planning tool is used to propose the maneuvering flight trajectory generation method suitable for QUAV by setting reasonable parameters and restrictions. The trajectories are produced but not limited within flip, vertical roll and point-to-point. The thrust and torque outputs are optimal to achieve rapidity under the conditions above. Finally, a QUAV simulation environment with circuit, electronic speed controllers, motors, blades and frames is established. By evaluating the results of simulation, this paper demonstrates that compared with unidirectional-rotor-driven QUAV, the bi-directional-motor-driven one effectively improves the accuracy of attitude and position tracking and promotes maneuverability. -
表 1 系统参数与状态、输入限制
Table 1. System parameters, status and input limits
系统参数 状态限制 输入限制 m=0.5 kg
J=3×10-3 kg·m2
g=9.81 m/s2T=12 N
T=1 N
τ=0.2 N·m
τ=-0.2 N·m表 2 三个典型机动设计
Table 2. Design of three typical maneuvers
机动 中间条件 结束条件 点到点 无 pf=[xg zg 0]T
ṗf=[0 0 0]T点到竖直悬停 无
ṗf=[0 0 0]T翻转 pf=[xg 0 π]T
ṗf=[0 0 0]T表 3 两种模型与目标螺旋曲线轨迹之间误差的方差
Table 3. Variance of errors between two models and target spiral trajectory
三轴目标轨迹函数 单向驱动 双向驱动 x(t)=2sin(0.1t) 0.153 8 0.100 9 y(t)=-2cos(0.1t) 0.062 0 0.014 8 z(t)=0.1t 0.009 0 0.007 4 -
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