Abstract:Most of the existing bearing failure researches simplified the failure to regular shapes such as rectangular grooves or circular pits, which were quite different from the actual failure morphology, taking the aero-engine rotor system as the research object, starting from the actual fault morphology of the rolling bearing and the objective reality of the main shaft bearing being prone to failure in the complex rotor system, a method for characterizing the irregular bearing fault was proposed and introduced into the single rotor-bearing system dynamic model, and the irregular failure model of bearing inner and outer rings was established. Using the method of numerical calculation, the vibration response of the rotor system with faults was analyzed, and the influence of the circumferential width and depth of the faults on the system vibration was studied when the system bearings contained rectangular faults and irregular faults in the inner and outer rings. Finally, for the fault damage existing in the inner and outer rings of the rolling bearing, fault bearings with different positions and sizes were made and introduced into the rotor system to conduct experimental research, and the system vibration data at different rotation frequencies and fault sizes were collected. The comparison with the numerical simulation results fully verified the correctness of the irregular bearing failure dynamic model.
Key words:
- aero-engine /
- rolling bearing /
- irregular failure /
- vibration response /
- kinetic model
表 1 滚动轴承主要计算参数
Table 1. Rolling bearing main calculation parameters
参数 2204K NJ204E 外圈滚道半径R/mm 23.5 23.5 内圈滚道半径r/mm 10 10 滚动体直径d/mm 14 14 滚珠数目Z 15 9 赫兹接触刚度Cb/(N·m-3/2) 13.34×109 13.34×109 轴承初始间隙δ0/μm 0 0 -
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