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张小孟 杨森 宋晓 胡永江 李文广

张小孟, 杨森, 宋晓, 等 . 一种中继无人机快速部署策略[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2021, 47(8): 1705-1711. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2020.0249
引用本文: 张小孟, 杨森, 宋晓, 等 . 一种中继无人机快速部署策略[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2021, 47(8): 1705-1711. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2020.0249
ZHANG Xiaomeng, YANG Sen, SONG Xiao, et al. A rapid deployment strategy of relay unmanned aerial vehicle[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2021, 47(8): 1705-1711. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2020.0249(in Chinese)
Citation: ZHANG Xiaomeng, YANG Sen, SONG Xiao, et al. A rapid deployment strategy of relay unmanned aerial vehicle[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2021, 47(8): 1705-1711. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2020.0249(in Chinese)


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2020.0249

陆军工程大学石家庄校区科研创新发展基金 School Education (2019) No. 71


    杨森. E-mail: 568657132@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: V279

A rapid deployment strategy of relay unmanned aerial vehicle


Scientific Research and Innovation Development Fund of Shijiazhuang Campus of Army Engineering University School Education (2019) No. 71

More Information
  • 摘要:



  • 图 1  变异算子操作

    Figure 1.  Mutation operator operation

    图 2  RDFS-ABC算法流程

    Figure 2.  RDFS-ABC algorithm flowchart

    图 3  中继节点部署图

    Figure 3.  Deployment diagram of relay nodes

    图 4  运行时间对比图

    Figure 4.  Run time comparison chart

    图 5  PSO算法中继节点部署图

    Figure 5.  Relay node deployment diagram with PSO algorithm

    图 6  RDFS-ABC算法中继节点部署图

    Figure 6.  Relay node deployment diagram with RDFS-ABC algorithm

    图 7  AHOP算法中继节点部署图

    Figure 7.  Relay node deployment diagram with AHOP algorithm

    表  1  实验参数设置

    Table  1.   Experimental parameter setting

    参数 数值
    有效通信距离d0/m 500
    安全距离dsf/m 20
    测控系统位置g(x, y)/m (350, 300)
    种群规模NP 100
    蜜源维度D 28
    最大搜索次数l 5
    最大迭代次数c 60
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    表  2  任务节点位置坐标

    Table  2.   Task node location coordinates

    目标 位置(x, y)/m 目标 位置(x, y)/m
    1 (1 150, 1 176) 16 (1 280, 1 200)
    2 (630, 1 660) 17 (230, 590)
    3 (40, 2 090) 18 (460, 860)
    4 (750, 1 100) 19 (1 040, 950)
    5 (750, 2 030) 20 (590, 1 390)
    6 (1 030, 2 070) 21 (830, 1 770)
    7 (1 650, 650) 22 (490, 500)
    8 (1 490, 1 630) 23 (1 840, 1 240)
    9 (790, 2 260) 24 (1 260, 1 500)
    10 (710, 1 310) 25 (1 280, 790)
    11 (840, 550) 26 (490, 2 130)
    12 (1 170, 2 300) 27 (1 460, 1 420)
    13 (970, 1 340) 28 (1 260, 1 910)
    14 (510, 700) 29 (360, 1 980)
    15 (750, 900) 30 (110, 900)
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    表  3  两种算法运行的平均时间

    Table  3.   Average schedule of two algorithms

    目标数量 平均时间/s 降低比例/%
    5 5.59 13.05 57.16
    10 13.31 27.19 51.05
    15 18.12 40.07 54.78
    20 21.62 47.10 54.10
    25 26.67 57.09 53.28
    30 33.56 68.43 50.96
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    表  4  中继节点平均数量

    Table  4.   Average number of relay nodes

    算法 中继节点个数 增加率/%
    RDFS-ABC 7.05 0
    PSO 8.34 15.47
    AHOP 8.00 11.88
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