Structural reliability calculation method based on improved weighted response surface
Abstract:Response surface method is a widely used agent model analysis method for structural reliability analysis because of its good applicability and maneuverability. Aimed at the difficulties of the response surface method, such as balancing the efficiency and accuracy, a structural reliability calculation method based on improved weighted response surface is proposed. In the iterative process, three weighting factors, including the distance between the sample point and the design point, the absolute value of limit state function and the value of joint probability density function, are considered to weight the sample points. The quadratic polynomial response surface function without cross term is updated by weighted regression and reusing all known sample points. After the iterative convergence, the sample points with the larger weight among the existing sample points are selected to fit the quadratic polynomial response surface function with cross terms. Finally, with numerical examples and engineering cases, the feasibility of the proposed method is verified by comparing with traditional sampling methods and other response surface methods. The results show that the proposed method has higher efficiency and meanwhile guarantees accuracy.
表 1 算例1计算结果比较
Table 1. Comparison of calculation results of Example 1
方法 失效概率 误差/% 结构分析次数 计算时间/s 蒙特卡罗法 0.003 622 0 10 000 000 经典响应面法 0.003 369 6.985 09 30 0.061 线性加权响应面法 0.003 362 7.178 36 20 0.023 单加权响应面法 0.003 366 7.067 92 20 0.026 双加权响应面法 0.003 393 6.322 37 20 0.034 改进加权响应面法 0.003 689 1.849 81 15 0.048 表 2 算例2计算结果比较
Table 2. Comparison of calculation results of Example 2
方法 失效概率 误差/% 结构分析次数 计算时间/s 蒙特卡罗法 0.005 959 0 10 000 000 经典响应面法 0.005 691 4.497 40 56 0.026 线性加权响应面法 0.005 691 4.497 40 28 0.021 单加权响应面法 0.005 689 4.530 96 49 0.031 双加权响应面法 0.005 861 1.644 57 21 0.030 改进加权响应面法 0.005 967 0.134 25 21 0.052 表 3 算例3计算结果比较
Table 3. Comparison of calculation results of Example 3
方法 失效概率 误差/% 结构分析次数 蒙特卡罗法[23] 0.844 20 0 100 000 经典响应面法 0.836 41 0.922 77 196 线性加权响应面法 0.879 58 4.199 10 21 单加权响应面法 0.838 17 0.714 29 28 双加权响应面法 0.836 32 0.933 43 49 改进加权响应面法 0.848 89 0.555 56 21 -
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