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张宏 吕悦晶

张宏, 吕悦晶. 基于复杂网络的车载自组织网络脆弱性分析[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2021, 47(8): 1543-1549. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2020.0292
引用本文: 张宏, 吕悦晶. 基于复杂网络的车载自组织网络脆弱性分析[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2021, 47(8): 1543-1549. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2020.0292
ZHANG Hong, LYU Yuejing. Vulnerability of vehicular ad hoc network based on complex network[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2021, 47(8): 1543-1549. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2020.0292(in Chinese)
Citation: ZHANG Hong, LYU Yuejing. Vulnerability of vehicular ad hoc network based on complex network[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2021, 47(8): 1543-1549. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2020.0292(in Chinese)


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2020.0292

内蒙古自治区自然科学基金 2019MS07021


    张宏, E-mail: zh-hong@imu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: U491.2;TP393.1

Vulnerability of vehicular ad hoc network based on complex network


Natural Science Foundation of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China 2019MS07021

More Information
  • 摘要:



  • 图 1  RA、RK、RB攻击模式下VANET最大连通度

    Figure 1.  The largest connected degree of VANET in RA, RK and RB attack modes

    图 2  RA、RK、RB攻击模式下VANET连通分支平均规模

    Figure 2.  Average size of connected components of VANET in RA, RK and RB attack modes

    图 3  RA、RK、RB攻击模式下信号辐射半径对VANET全局网络效率的影响

    Figure 3.  Influence of signal radiation radius on global network efficiency of VANET in RA, RK and RB attack modes

    图 4  RA、RK、RB攻击模式下节点密度对VANET最大连通度的影响

    Figure 4.  Influence of node density on the largest connected degree of VANET in RA, RK and RB attack modes

    图 5  RA、RK、RB攻击模式下节点密度对VANET连通分支平均规模的影响

    Figure 5.  Influence of node density on average size of connected components of VANET in RA, RK and RB attack modes

    图 6  RA、RK、RB攻击模式下节点密度对VANET全局网络效率的影响

    Figure 6.  Influence of node density on global network efficiency of VANET in RA, RK and RB attack modes

    表  1  模型仿真参数

    Table  1.   Simulation parameters of model

    参数 数值
    信号辐射半径r/m 100, 200, 300
    仿真区域面积/(m×m) 2 000×2 000
    节点数目N 100, 200, 300
    车道数 双向四车道
    仿真时间/s 300
    节点速度/(m·s-1) 5~20
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