- 车载自组织网络(VANET) /
- 复杂网络 /
- 脆弱性 /
- 蓄意攻击 /
- 随机攻击
Abstract:As an important fundamental application of intelligent traffic system, the safe and stable operation of Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) is indispensable for the transportation system and even the sustainable development of social economy. The largest connected degree, average size of connected components and global network efficiency were used as the vulnerability evaluation metrics for VANET. Based on complex network theory, the VANET simulation model was established through vehicle simulation software (VanetMobiSim). Then, the relationship between the quantitative index of vulnerability and the node removal ratio under random attacks and intentional attacks was analyzed in detail. Furthermore, the influence of the density of nodes, signal radiation radius and patterns of attack on VANET vulnerability was analyzed by simulation experiment. The experimental results show that the VANET has a high vulnerability under intentional attacks; the intentional attacks based on node betweenness destroyed the networks most strongly. The smaller node density and signal radiation radius are, the worse VANET connected degree is and the more vulnerable the network is. The research methodology and results provide the theoretical basis for VANET topology control optimization and network management decision-making.
Key words:
- Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) /
- complex network /
- vulnerability /
- intentional attack /
- random attack
表 1 模型仿真参数
Table 1. Simulation parameters of model
参数 数值 信号辐射半径r/m 100, 200, 300 仿真区域面积/(m×m) 2 000×2 000 节点数目N 100, 200, 300 车道数 双向四车道 仿真时间/s 300 节点速度/(m·s-1) 5~20 -
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