Abstract:Unmanned aircraft is an important weapon of carrier-aircraft system. Autonomous taxiing of aircraft is significant for the efficiency of deck operation. The trajectory control problem of unmanned aircraft taxiing on deck of an aircraft carrier is studied in this paper. First, the task of aircraft taxiing on the deck is described. On this basis, the mathematical model for taxiing trajectory control problem is established. In this model, the ground motion of aircraft is contained, the constraints of aircraft taxiing are considered, and the performance index is designed to evaluate the trajectory control task. Considering deck environment and trajectory control task requirement, a model predictive control based method is proposed to obtain the feasible taxiing path of aircraft. Trajectory control is integrated into online taxiing path planning, and rolling optimization method is adopted to calculate the practical taxiing trajectory and obtain the control command signal. Taking the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier as an example, the taxiing trajectories of multiple unmanned aircraft at different parking positions are calculated. Simulation results demonstrate the rationality of the established model and the validity of the proposed method.
表 1 舰载无人机起飞位置
Table 1. Launching position of unmanned carrier aircraft
弹射器 舰载无人机 C1 A4、A5、A8、A9、A10、A11 C2 A1、A2、A3、A6、A7 C3 A14、A13、A12 表 2 滑行时间与轨迹控制误差
Table 2. Taxiing time and trajectory control error
舰载机 滑行时间/s 误差/ft A1 13.5 0.6029 A2 15.5 0.5641 A3 18 0.8810 A4 21 0.0172 A5 23 0.9670 A6 23.5 0.2786 A7 25.5 0.2022 A8 29 0.5688 A9 31 0.3452 A10 33.5 0.3191 A11 35 0.3494 A12 22.5 0.6038 A13 20 0.4618 A14 18 0.6635 -
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