- 赤字轮询(DRR) /
- 航空电子机内无线通信(WAIC) /
- 航空电子 /
- 网络演算 /
- 信道反转
Abstract:The advantages of Wireless Avionics Intra-Communication (WAIC) in reducing aircraft weight and saving cost make it have considerable prospects in the application of avionics systems. In this paper, a Media Access Control (MAC) protocol based on Priority-Deficit Round Robin (PDRR) scheduling is proposed to study the transmission delay of WAIC network based on 802.11 and guarantee its reliability. First, the arrival curve and service curve model for the MAC layer protocol were established by deterministic network calculus where the characteristics of the wireless communication physical layer and the combined channel inversion method were fully considered. Then, based on the worst-case end-to-end delay evaluation method for WAIC network traffic scheduling, it could be found that the stable channel capacity after channel inversion provides a more conservative delay bound. Finally, the delay bound of high-priority WAIC nodes and normal-priority nodes and the influence of channel inversion were compared through case analysis. The results show that high-priority nodes have better real-time performance than normal-priority nodes and the transmission delay bound can be improved by increasing the average signal-to-noise ratio.
表 1 仿真节点信息
Table 1. Information of nodes in simulation
节点名称 节点类型 包最大长度/Byte FrontCamera 高优先级节点 500 HeadUnit 普通优先级节点 750 RightCamera 普通优先级节点 700 LeftCamera 普通优先级节点 500 Access Point 网络接入点 -
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