- 卷积神经网络(CNN) /
- FPGA /
- Winograd /
- 卷积算法 /
- 快速算法
Abstract:In recent years, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have been widely adopted by computer vision tasks. Due to the high performance, energy efficiency, and reconfigurability of FPGA, it has been considered as the most promising CNN hardware accelerator. However, the existing FPGA solutions based on the traditional Winograd method are usually limited by FPGA computing power and storage resources, and there is room for improvement in performance of 3D convolution operations. This paper first studied the one-dimensional expansion process of the Winograd algorithm suitable for three-dimensional operations; then, improved the performance of CNN on FPGA by increasing the one-time input feature map and the dimensional size of the convolution block, low-bit quantization weight and input data. The optimization ideas include four parts: the method of using shift instead of partial division, the division of tiles, the expansion of two-dimensional to three-dimensional, and low-bit quantization. Compared with the traditional two-dimensional Winograd algorithm, the number of clock cycles of each convolutional layer of the optimized algorithm is reduced by about 7 times, which is about 7 times less for each convolutional layer than the traditional sliding window convolution algorithm. Through the research, it is proved that the 3D-Winograd algorithm based on one-dimensional expansion can greatly reduce the computational complexity and improve the performance of running CNN on FPGA.
Key words:
- Convolutional Neural Network(CNN) /
- FPGA /
- Winograd /
- convolution algorithm /
- fast algorithm
表 1 3D-Winograd和2D-Winograd性能对比
Table 1. Performance comparison of 3D-Winograd and 2D-Winograd
性能指标 2D-Winograd[16] 3D-Winograd 结果 时钟周期 Latency 561 635 518 435 提高7% 资源占用 DSP/个 36 30 计算复杂度降低;计算资源减少 FF/个 10 264 5 670 LUT/个 11 399 6 275 乘法器/个 947 1 060 基本不变 注:2D-Winograd和3D-Winograd的tile尺寸为4×4,Fp32。 表 2 tile扩展前后性能对比
Table 2. Performance comparison before and after tile expansion
性能指标 3D-Winograd 3D-Winograd 结果 时钟周期 Latency 518 435 235 871 提高2.198倍 资源占用 DSP/个 30 77 计算资源增加 FF/个 5 670 21 492 LUT/个 6 275 20 965 乘法器/个 1 060 1 633 增加54% 注:3D-Winograd的tile尺寸分别为4×4,Fp32;6×6,Fp32。 表 3 量化前后性能对比
Table 3. Performance comparison before and after quantization
性能指标 3D-Winograd 3D-Winograd 结果 时钟周期 Latency 235 871 32 747, 30 633 提高7.20, 7.70倍 资源占用 DSP/个 77 59, 47 DSP资源降低1.31, 1.64倍 FF/个 21 492 4 087, 2 785 LUT/个 20 965 27 007, 10 412 乘法器/个 1 633 728, 657 减少2.24, 2.49倍 注:3D-Winograd的tile尺寸为6×6,Fp32;6×6, 8位定点/移位。 表 4 传统滑窗卷积、2D-Winograd和3D-Winograd算法性能对比
Table 4. Performance comparison of traditional sliding window learning, 2D-Winograd and 3D-Winograd algorithms
图层 输出特征图尺寸 卷核尺寸积 分块尺寸 吞吐率/BFLOPS 传统滑窗卷积算法[19] 2D-Winograd[16] 3D-Winograd Conv0 416×416×32 32/2 4×4 0.299 0.901 1.080 Conv1 208×208×64 64/2 4×4 1.595 5.168 6.201 Conv2 104×104×128 128/2 4×4 1.595 5.168 6.201 Conv3 104×104×64 64/2 4×4 0.177 0.521 0.637 Conv4 104×104×128 128/2 4×4 1.595 5.168 6.201 Conv5 52×52×256 256/4 6×6 1.595 11.361 13.623 Conv6 52×52×128 512/4 6×6 1.595 11.361 13.623 Conv7 52×52×256 256/4 6×6 0.177 1.167 1.399 Conv8 26×26×512 512/4 6×6 1.595 11.361 13.623 Conv9 26×26×256 256/4 6×6 0.177 1.167 1.399 Conv10 26×26×512 512/4 6×6 1.595 11.361 13.623 Conv11 26×26×256 256/4 6×6 0.177 1.167 1.399 Conv12 26×26×512 512/4 6×6 1.595 11.361 13.623 Conv13 26×26×1 024 1 024/4 6×6 3.190 21.022 25.230 Conv14 26×26×1 024 1 024/4 6×6 3.190 21.022 25.230 Conv15 26×26×1 024 1024/4 6×6 3.987 26.286 31.534 总时间/ms 1 052 160.963 123.799 表 5 CNN在FPGA和GPU的性能功耗比对比
Table 5. Comparison of CNN's performance/power ratio on FPGA and GPU
平台 平均每个Conv层吞吐率/BFLOPS 平均每个Conv层功耗/J 性能功耗比 FPGA 10.913 75 0.328 94 33.178 GPU 21.590 37 8.1 2.665 -
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