An analytical predictor-corrector guidance method designed for spacecraft reentry with short range
g 0的过载再入,结果表明,所提制导方法具有较高的精度和较强的鲁棒性,为载人探月飞船应急快速返回提供了参考思路。Abstract:For the manned lunar return spacecraft reentry problem, an analytical predictor-corrector guidance method for short range reentry is proposed. Firstly, the concept of glide reentryis introduced, which has been studied in the trajectory design of high lift-to-drag ratio vehicle.In order to pre-design the reentry trajectory, a trajectory parameter is chosen to describe the analytic trajectory form, and then the analytical formula to predict the range-to-go is derived. The false position method is used to modify the trajectory parameter and finally converts to the command bank angle, eventually satisfying the terminal precision requirements. The proposed analytical method succeeds in achieving spacecraft reentry with a mission range of 2 100km in 400-450 seconds. During the entire reentry phase, the loads are under a level of 6.5
g 0, which is beneficial to manned spacecraft emergency return situation. Simulation has proved that this method has relatively high accuracy and robustness.-
Key words:
- lunar spacecraft /
- glide reentry /
- emergency return /
- analytical predictor-corrector /
- short range
表 1 再入点初始状态和任务参数
Table 1. Reentry initial state and mission parameters
状态参数 数值 再入速度/(m·s-1) 11 000 再入角/(°) -5.9 速度方位角/(°) 34.3 开伞点经度/(°) 120 开伞点纬度/(°) 50 再入点高度/km 120 任务航程/km 2 100 开伞高度/km 10 表 2 航程2 100 km偏差条件下制导结果
Table 2. Guidance results with deviation(Range 2 100 km)
误差设置 终端航程误差/km 终端横程误差/km 最大过载/g0 飞行时间/s 再入点高度/km +1 2.05 -1.06 5.44 428.0 -1 2.22 -1.13 5.95 436.0 再入速度/
(m·s-1)+200 2.32 -1.01 5.74 412.5 -200 2.39 -1.60 6.15 441.0 速度倾角/(°) +0.1 2.65 -1.63 5.72 416.5 -0.1 2.15 -1.14 6.31 437.0 升力系数 +15% 3.01 2.62 5.49 432.5 -15% -0.18 -0.92 5.78 416.5 阻力系数 +15% -1.59 -1.41 6.08 434.0 -15% 4.34 1.96 5.69 411.5 大气密度 +20% 0.05 -2.09 6.04 452.5 -20% 3.62 -0.75 5.63 405.0 均值 1.92 -0.68 5.84 426.9 -
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