Hydraulic cylinder position system controlled by piezoelectric high-speed on-off valve
Abstract:Aimed at low position resolution and slow response of on-off valve controlled cylinder, a hydraulic cylinder position system controlled by piezoelectric high-speed on-off valve was designed. Firstly, the position system model of on-off valve was built in order to analyze the influence of PWM carrier frequency on the on-off valve flow characteristics. The system structure based on differential flow of double valve is adopted to realize the nonlinear compensation of hydraulic cylinder load flow, which reduced the influence of dead zone on the static and dynamic performance. Then, mechanism and principle of on-off valve controlled hydraulic cylinder position chattering are obtained by analyzing the influence factors of load pulse flow of double valve controlled hydraulic cylinder system, and PWM, PAM and PFM control methods based on the pulse flow are compared.Finally, considering the piezoelectric high-speed on-off valve flow characteristics, a composite control method with PWM and PAM is proposed, which helps the system realize fast and accurate position control by adjusting the duty cycle and flow amplitude according to the error signal and change. Simulation and experimental results show that the positioning accuracy is nearly 1%, which provides a theoretical basis for the application of high-speed on-off valve and control system.
Key words:
- high-speed on-off valve /
- flow characteristics /
- position control /
- PWM /
- PFM /
- PAM /
- position resolution
表 1 压电式高速开关阀参数
Table 1. Parameters of piezoelectric high-speed on-off valve
参数 数值 压电叠堆外尺寸/(mm×mm×mm) 32(长)×10×8 位移放大倍数 4.3 锥阀角α/(°) 45 阀口直径d/mm 12 开关阀流量幅值Qmax/(L·min-1) 16.8 死区时间t0/ms 0.22 完全开启时间ton/ms 1.15 完全关闭时间toff/ms 0.85 表 2 压电式高速开关阀控液压缸参数
Table 2. Parameters of hydraulic cylinder controlled by piezoelectric high-speed on-off valve
参数 数值 液压缸负载等效质量m/kg 1.5 活塞直径d0/mm 25 活塞杆直径d1/mm 15 液压缸最大行程xmax/m 0.5 泄漏系数C/((L·min-1)·bar-1) 0.000 2 阻尼系数B/(N·(m·s-1)-1) 350 静摩擦/N 15 摩擦系数/(N·(m·s-1)-1) 150 PWM驱动电压U/V 120 PWM载波频率f/Hz 100 供油压力PS/MPa 7 表 3 模糊控制规则
Table 3. Fuzzy control rules
B M S B B B B M B M M S M S S -
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