Image inpainting method based on incomplete image samples in generative adversarial network
- 图像修复 /
- 残缺图像样本 /
- 深度卷积生成对抗网络 /
- Wasserstein距离 /
- 总距离变化均方差
Abstract:A model of Double Generator Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network (DGDCGAN), which uses the incomplete or noisy sample image as the training set, is proposed, in order to solve the problem of serious distortion of large area image inpainting, complete and high-quality training samples are frequently required, which is hard to acquire. Furthermore, the convergence of single generator is slow. Therefore, two generators and a discriminator are constructed. The incomplete image training set is used to cross calculate and search the image information similar to the loss area as the sample of training generation model, which achieves faster convergence speed. The loss function of the discriminator is improved to be the Wasserstein distance of the output. The adaptive estimation algorithm is used to optimize the model parameters for generating network loss function and identifying network loss function. Finally, the distance difference between two sets of images is calculated, and the reconstructed image is optimized by discriminating model and minimizing mean square error of the total distance change of a group of repaired images. Experiments are performed on four public dataset, the subjective and objective experimental results show that the proposed method that uses incomplete samples as training data can restore large area of distortion in images with faster convergence speed and better performance compared with the existing methods in image inpainting.
表 1 不同方法的PSNR和SSIM对比
Table 1. PSNR/SSIM comparison of different methods
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