Abstract:Current image captioning model can automatically apply the part-of-speech sequences and syntactic trees to make the generated text in line with grammar. However, the above-mentioned models generally generate the simple sentences. There is no groundbreaking work in language models promoting the interpretability of deep learning models. The dependency syntax is integrated into the deep learning model to supervise the image captioning, which can make deep learning models more interpretable. An image structure attention mechanism, which recognizes the relationship between image regions based on the dependency syntax, is applied to compute the visual relations and obtain the features. The fusion of image region relation features and image region features, and the word embedding are employed into Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) to generate the image captions. In testing, the content keywords of the testing and training image datasets are produced due to the content overlap of two images, and the dependency syntax template corresponding to the test image can be indirectly extracted. According to the dependency syntax template, the diverse descriptions can be generated. Experiment resultsverify the capacity of the proposed model to improve the diversity of generated captions and syntax complexity and indicate that the dependency syntax can enhance the interpretability of deep learning model.
表 1 超参数设置
Table 1. Hyperparameter setting
参数 数值 图像特征向量/维 14×14×2 048 词向量/维 512 依存句法向量/维 512 LSTM隐向量/维 512 自注意力机制头数 8 批处理大小 32 表 2 Flickr30K数据集的实验结果
Table 2. Experimental results on Flickr30K dataset
模型 BLEU-1 BLEU-2 BLEU-3 BLEU-4 METEOR ROUGE-L CIDEr Len NIC+ATT(Baseline) 62.84 39.00 25.07 17.52 17.98 44.57 30.18 11.06 AdaptAtt 60.69 41.80 25.92 18.63 19.71 45.61 33.36 NIC+WC+WA+RL 24.50 21.50 51.60 58.40 MLO/MLPF-LSTM+(BS) 66.20 47.20 33.10 23.00 19.60 CACNN-GAN(ResNet-152) 69.30 49.90 35.80 25.90 22.30 NIC+DS(Top-5) 57.09 39.35 28.66 20.73 20.81 48.24 49.78 17.58 NIC+DSSA(Top-5) 58.62 40.46 29.81 22.62 20.96 49.98 51.74 17.56 NIC+DS(Top-10) 59.76 44.53 31.48 24.75 21.31 51.36 50.91 18.43 NIC+DSSA(Top-10) 61.81 47.33 33.97 26.06 23.57 52.81 52.48 18.62 表 3 Flickr8K数据集的实验结果
Table 3. Experimental results on Flickr8K dataset
模型 BLEU-1 BLEU-2 BLEU-3 BLEU-4 METEOR ROUGE-L CIDEr Len NIC+ATT(Baseline) 60.32 37.88 24.66 16.33 18.48 46.16 34.99 11.17 NIC+DS(Top-10) 57.76 41.16 30.70 27.78 19.54 48.81 36.69 14.47 NIC+DSSA(Top-10) 59.45 45.86 36.05 29.36 21.92 50.06 40.24 15.72 表 4 Flickr8K-CN数据集的实验结果
Table 4. Experimental results on Flickr8K-CN dataset
模型 BLEU-1 BLEU-2 BLEU-3 BLEU-4 METEOR ROUGE-L CIDEr Len NIC+ATT(Baseline) 59.16 36.30 22.73 16.02 16.87 43.59 31.09 10.82 NIC+DS(Top-10) 56.28 40.03 29.42 25.61 17.48 46.21 34.16 13.45 NIC+DSSA(Top-10) 58.72 46.86 33.05 28.16 20.57 49.10 38.48 14.36 表 5 描述文本中连接词数量统计
Table 5. Statistics of conjunction numbers in captions
模型 连接词数量 NIC 1 NIC+DSSA 66 参考文本 58 -
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