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邢竞文 金捷 王方

邢竞文, 金捷, 王方等 . 基于释热率分析的钝体贫油熄火过程分析[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2022, 48(3): 473-484. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2020.0588
引用本文: 邢竞文, 金捷, 王方等 . 基于释热率分析的钝体贫油熄火过程分析[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2022, 48(3): 473-484. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2020.0588
XING Jingwen, JIN Jie, WANG Fanget al. Lean blowoff process of bluff body based on heat release rate analysis[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2022, 48(3): 473-484. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2020.0588(in Chinese)
Citation: XING Jingwen, JIN Jie, WANG Fanget al. Lean blowoff process of bluff body based on heat release rate analysis[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2022, 48(3): 473-484. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2020.0588(in Chinese)


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2020.0588

国家自然科学基金 91741125

国家科技重大专项 2017-I-0004-005

国家科技重大专项 2017-I-0001-0001


    王方, E-mail: fwang@buaa.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: V231.2

Lean blowoff process of bluff body based on heat release rate analysis


National Natural Science Foundation of China 91741125

Science and Technology Major Project 2017-I-0004-005

Science and Technology Major Project 2017-I-0001-0001

More Information
  • 摘要:



  • 图 1  钝体燃烧器示意图[2, 20]

    Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of bluff-body combustor[2, 20]

    图 2  计算域整体示意图[9]及网格划分示意图

    Figure 2.  Schematic diagram of overall calculation domain[9] and grid division

    图 3  局部网格细节

    Figure 3.  Local grid details

    图 4  不同流向位置处冷态工况平均速度与实验数据对比

    Figure 4.  Comparison of average velocity and experimental data at different flow positions under isothermal condition

    图 5  冷态工况平均速度云图与等值线图

    Figure 5.  Contours of average velocity under isothermal condition

    图 6  不同流向位置处热态工况平均速度与实验数据对比

    Figure 6.  Comparison of average velocity and experimental data at different flow positions under thermal condition

    图 7  热态工况平均速度云图与等值线图

    Figure 7.  Contours of average velocity and isogram under thermal condition

    图 8  热态工况实验[8]PLIF和计算平均OH云图

    Figure 8.  Contours of mean OH of experiment PLIF[8] and mean OH of numerical simulation under thermal condition

    图 9  算例F1平均温度、质量分数和无量纲化释热率分布

    Figure 9.  Distribution of mean temperature, species mass fractions and dimensionless heat release rate for case F1

    图 10  算例F1平均温度云图与平均速度等值线图

    Figure 10.  Mean temperature and average velocity contour for case F1

    图 11  远离熄火工况瞬时温度与释热率云图

    Figure 11.  Contours of instantaneous temperature and heat release rate when far away from blowoff

    图 12  近熄火工况瞬时温度与释热率云图

    Figure 12.  Contours of instantaneous temperature and heat release rate when close to blowoff

    图 13  熄火工况瞬时温度与释热率云图

    Figure 13.  Contours of instantaneous temperature and heat release rate under blowoff condition

    图 14  当量比低于熄火工况瞬时温度与释热率云图

    Figure 14.  Contours of instantaneous temperature and heat release rate when equivalent ratio is lower than blowoff condition

    图 15  远离熄火工况平均释热率云图与平均速度等值线图

    Figure 15.  Mean heat release rate and average velocity contours when far away from blowoff

    图 16  近熄火工况平均释热率云图与平均速度等值线图

    Figure 16.  Mean heat release rate and average velocity contours when close to blowoff

    图 17  熄火工况平均释热率云图与平均速度等值线图

    Figure 17.  Mean heat release rate and average velocity contours under blowoff condition

    图 18  当量比低于熄火工况平均释热率云图与平均速度等值线

    Figure 18.  Mean heat release rate and average velocity contours when equivalent ratio is lower than blowoff condition

    图 19  12个算例X/d=0.2处平均释热率分布

    Figure 19.  Distribution of mean heat release rate at X/d=0.2 of twelve cases

    表  1  算例编号及边界条件

    Table  1.   Number of cases and conditions of boundary

    算例工况 算例编号 进口平均速度/ (m·s-1) 当量比φ
    冷态验证算例 A1 10.94 0
    热态验证算例 A2 10.94 0.64
    远离熄火工况 F1 19.00 0.80
    φ高于熄火工况B1 2.5% C1 19.00 0.615
    实验熄火工况 B1 19.00 0.60
    φ低于熄火工况B1 3.3% L1 19.00 0.58
    远离熄火工况 F2 27.50 0.80
    φ高于熄火工况B2 2.5% C2 27.50 0.645
    实验熄火工况 B2 27.50 0.629
    φ低于熄火工况B2 3.3% L2 27.50 0.608
    远离熄火工况 F3 44.10 0.80
    φ高于熄火工况B3 2.5% C3 44.10 0.697
    实验熄火工况 B3 44.10 0.68
    φ低于熄火工况B3 3.3% L3 44.10 0.657
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    表  2  其他边界条件

    Table  2.   Other boundary conditions

    边界 边界条件
    入口边界 温度T=300 K
    压力P=101 325 Pa
    出口边界 压力出口边界
    钝体及其他边界 绝热固壁无滑移边界
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    表  3  12个算例的ΔH

    Table  3.   Value of ΔH for twelve cases

    算例编号 ΔH
    F1 1 720
    F2 227
    F3 96.3
    C1 10.9
    C2 13.1
    C3 7.72
    B1 3.36
    B2 3.38
    B3 3.73
    L1 1.73
    L2 1.67
    L3 1.05
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