d 处内侧剪切层平均释热率与回流区平均释热率的比值小于4时,发生熄火。-
- 释热率(HRR) /
- 贫油熄火边界预测 /
- 大涡模拟(LES) /
- 输运方程概率密度函数(TPDF) /
- 湍流燃烧
Abstract:To understand the complicated blowoff process of premixed turbulence methane-air flame after a conical bluff body, the numerical simulation method based on large eddy simulation (LES) and transport equation probability density function (TPDF) turbulence combustion model was adopted to simulate the flame situations, i.e. far away from blowoff, close to blowoff and blowoff conditions. The flame and the heat release rate (HRR) value under these different conditions were studied, and the criterion for lean blowoff judgement was analyzed quantitatively. The results show that the average relative error between velocity simulation results and experimental results is under 10% in cold situation and under 20% in hot situation. HRR appears in the region where OH and CH2O overlap, and is an important blowoff judgment parameter. When the flame is far away from blowoff conditions, HRR mainly appears at the inner shear layer; when close to blowoff conditions, HRR closes on the flow axis and also appears downstream of the recirculation zone; under blowoff conditions, higher HRR regions spread from downstream to upstream of the recirculation zone. The simulation blowoff predictions are consistent with the experimental PLIF results. In this study, the average HRR can be quantitatively used as a criterion for lean blowoff judgment. At 0.2
d section behind the bluff body, blowoff will occur when the ratio of the average HRR for inner shear layer to the average HRR of the recirculation zone is less than 4. -
表 1 算例编号及边界条件
Table 1. Number of cases and conditions of boundary
算例工况 算例编号 进口平均速度/ (m·s-1) 当量比φ 冷态验证算例 A1 10.94 0 热态验证算例 A2 10.94 0.64 远离熄火工况 F1 19.00 0.80 φ高于熄火工况B1 2.5% C1 19.00 0.615 实验熄火工况 B1 19.00 0.60 φ低于熄火工况B1 3.3% L1 19.00 0.58 远离熄火工况 F2 27.50 0.80 φ高于熄火工况B2 2.5% C2 27.50 0.645 实验熄火工况 B2 27.50 0.629 φ低于熄火工况B2 3.3% L2 27.50 0.608 远离熄火工况 F3 44.10 0.80 φ高于熄火工况B3 2.5% C3 44.10 0.697 实验熄火工况 B3 44.10 0.68 φ低于熄火工况B3 3.3% L3 44.10 0.657 表 2 其他边界条件
Table 2. Other boundary conditions
边界 边界条件 入口边界 温度T=300 K 压力P=101 325 Pa 甲烷-空气预混燃气 出口边界 压力出口边界 钝体及其他边界 绝热固壁无滑移边界 表 3 12个算例的ΔH值
Table 3. Value of ΔH for twelve cases
算例编号 ΔH F1 1 720 F2 227 F3 96.3 C1 10.9 C2 13.1 C3 7.72 B1 3.36 B2 3.38 B3 3.73 L1 1.73 L2 1.67 L3 1.05 -
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