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杨志贤 张明 李昂 张超

杨志贤, 张明, 李昂, 等 . 含孔隙缺陷三维五向编织复合材料偏轴拉伸力学性能分析[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2022, 48(4): 569-577. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2020.0615
引用本文: 杨志贤, 张明, 李昂, 等 . 含孔隙缺陷三维五向编织复合材料偏轴拉伸力学性能分析[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2022, 48(4): 569-577. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2020.0615
YANG Zhixian, ZHANG Ming, LI Ang, et al. Off-axis tensile mechanical properties of 3D five-directional braided composites with void defects[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2022, 48(4): 569-577. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2020.0615(in Chinese)
Citation: YANG Zhixian, ZHANG Ming, LI Ang, et al. Off-axis tensile mechanical properties of 3D five-directional braided composites with void defects[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2022, 48(4): 569-577. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2020.0615(in Chinese)


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2020.0615

江苏省自然科学基金 BK20180855

机械结构力学及控制国家重点实验室开放课题 MCMS-E-0219Y01


    张超, E-mail: zhangchao@ujs.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TB332

Off-axis tensile mechanical properties of 3D five-directional braided composites with void defects


Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province BK20180855

Research Fund of State Key Laboratory of Mechanics and Control of Mechanical Structures MCMS-E-0219Y01

More Information
  • 摘要:



  • 图 1  三维五向编织复合材料单胞结构模型

    Figure 1.  Unit-cell structure model of 3D five-directional braided composites

    图 2  不同孔隙率试件的应力-应变曲线

    Figure 2.  Stress-strain curves of specimen with different void contents

    图 3  不同偏轴角度下试件的应力-应变曲线

    Figure 3.  Stress-strain curves of specimen with different off-axis angles

    图 4  0.5%孔隙率试件5DS1 45°偏轴拉伸损伤扩展过程

    Figure 4.  Tensile damage propagation process of specimen 5DS1 with 0.5% void content under 45° off-axial loading

    图 5  1.5%孔隙率试件5DS2 45°偏轴拉伸损伤扩展过程

    Figure 5.  Tensile damage propagation process of specimen 5DS2 with 1.5% void content under 45° off-axial loading

    表  1  试件工艺参数[18]及单胞模型结构参数

    Table  1.   Process parameters of specimen[18] and structure parameters of unit-cell model

    试件 纤维单丝数量 试件尺寸/(mm×mm×mm) 编织角α/(°) W/mm h/mm Vf
    编织纱 轴向纱
    5DS1 9 000 6 000 20×4×150 20 3.052 8.415 45
    5DS2 9 000 6 000 20×4×150 40 3.357 4.012 50
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    表  2  组分材料力学性能参数

    Table  2.   Mechanical properties of component materials

    组分材料 Ef1/GPa Ef2/GPa Gf12/GPa Gf23/GPa μf12 Em/GPa μm XT/MPa XC/MPa S/MPa
    T300 220 13.89 9 4.8 0.2 3 000 2 070
    酚醛 3.2 0.35 75 180 60
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    表  3  试件5DS1拉伸强度预测值与实验结果对比

    Table  3.   Comparison between predicted and experimental tensile strengths of specimen 5DS1

    试件 孔隙率/% 拉伸强度/MPa
    预测值 实验结果
    5DS1 0 681 632
    0.1 647
    0.5 618
    1 598
    1.5 576
    2 549
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    表  4  试件5DS2拉伸强度预测值与实验结果对比

    Table  4.   Comparison between predicted and experimental tensile strengths of specimen 5DS2

    试件 孔隙率/% 拉伸强度/MPa
    预测值 实验结果
    5DS1 0 346 259
    0.1 280
    0.5 280
    1 266
    1.5 271
    2 267
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    表  5  试件5DS1偏轴拉伸力学性能

    Table  5.   Mechanical properties of specimen 5DS1 under off-axial tension

    试件 偏轴角度/(°) 拉伸强度/MPa 断裂应变/%
    5DS1 0 618.9 0.847
    30 423.1 0.842
    45 297.3 0.998
    60 177.1 1.313
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    表  6  试件5DS2偏轴拉伸力学性能

    Table  6.   Mechanical properties of specimen 5DS2 under off-axial tension

    试件 偏轴角度/(°) 拉伸强度/MPa 断裂应变/%
    5DS2 0 271.5 0.673
    30 267.8 0.787
    45 251.9 1.021
    60 175.6 1.157
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  • 收稿日期:  2020-11-04
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