Experimental study on aerodynamic and deformation characteristics of flexible membrane wing
Abstract:Micro air vehicles (MAV) have wide appications in both miltary and civilian fields, and flexible membrane wings are an effective method to improve the aerodynamic of MAV. In order to better control the flexible wing, the vibration and deformation characteristics of the flexible membrane wing and their impact on aerodynamic force are measured synchronously. Compared with the rigid wing, for the flexible membrane wing, the stall angle of attack is delayed by 6°, the maximum lift coefficient is increased by 47.4%, and the lift-drag ratio is increased by 17.8%. In addition to the characteristics of large amplitude and small static deformation at α=0°~2°, the amplitude of the periodic vibration of the flexible membrane wing undergoes a transition from no obvious crest, three crests to one crest as the angle of attack increases. When the lift coefficient is maximum, the corresponding membrane deformation and vibration amplitude both reach their maxima. Besides, the chordwise position of the maximum deformation changes with the angle of attack, which determines the pitching moment characteristics. Based on these results, an active control method of improving aerodynamic performance by applying deformation and vibration excitation with specific frequency is proposed.
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