Abstract:Automated fiber placement is an advanced automatic manufacturing technology for composite materials, which is widely used in manufacturing composite components with complex shapes. However, the compaction quality of the fiber in the area of large curvature is poor. In addition, it is difficult to satisfy the directional deviation and the turning radius of the placement path at the same time, resulting in various placement defects. In this paper, the influence of surface curvature on path performance is studied and a new path planning method for complex surfaces with area partition is established. The distance between roller and the mold surface is used to estimate the fiber compaction quality and the fiber number placed simultaneously can be calculated by the surface curvature. The local direction deviation and steering radius are evaluated during the path generation process, and a new sector is partitioned when the evaluation results are out of constraints. The method fully considers the influence of compaction quality, direction deviation and turning radius on paving path, so that the placement quality and efficiency of the entire curved surface can be ensured. Simulations and experiments are completed on the winglet surface to verify the path planning method, and the results show that, by the proposed method, satisfactory component placement quality can be obtained on complex surface.
表 1 压辊模型的主要参数
Table 1. Main parameters of pressure roller model
参数 压辊内径/mm 压辊外径/mm 压辊长度/mm 压辊轴弹性模量/MPa 压辊轴泊松比 模具弹性模量/MPa 模具泊松比 数值 40 85 130 210 000 0.3 210 000 0.3 表 2 方向偏差、转弯半径和压实情况
Table 2. Direction deviation, turning radius and compaction
铺层角度/(°) 方向偏差/(°) 转弯半径/mm 压实距离/mm 0 9.8 1 557.4 1.2 45 9.6 1 530.9 1.3 -45 8.5 1 975.0 0.9 90 9.7 1 552.6 1.5 -
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