Operating status evaluation of smart electricity meters based on joint distribution adaption
- 联合分布适配(JDA) /
- 智能电表 /
- 运行状态评价 /
- 迁移学习 /
- 智能电网
Abstract:In the operation status evaluation of smart electricity meters, it is often difficult to collect labeled data and the data distribution in different regions is inconsistent. To solve this problem, we introduce the joint distribution adaption (JDA) method in transfer learning in the field of operation status evaluation of smart electricity meters. This method tries to find an optimized transformation matrix to minimize the distance between edge distribution and conditional distribution in different regions in the transformed space. In order to solve the problem that there is no data label in the target domain when the conditional distribution adaptation is made, the JDA method uses pseudo-tag iteration method to make the target domain pseudo-label constantly approach the real tag. The classification model trained from the data in the post-transformation space can be applied to the new region to realize the transfer. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of JDA method in the operation status evaluation of smart electricity meters.
表 1 福建省电表数据集
Table 1. Dataset of electricity meters in Fujian province
属性 取值范围 有功准确度等级 0.5S, 1.0, 2.0 额定负载点误差测量 -0.054~0.25 最小负载点误差测量 -0.249~0.25 最大负载点误差测量 -0.265~0.25 第一次运行误差测量 0.05~0.4 第二次运行误差测量 0~0.45 第三次运行误差测量 0~0.5 运行时间 0~6.5 运行环境 1, 1.2, 2 家族缺陷 1 电量异常次数 0 时钟异常次数 0~7 运行等级 1, 2, 3 表 2 福建省电表等级分布
Table 2. Grade distribution of electricity meters in Fujian province
运行等级 数量 占比/% 1 13 2.56 2 418 82.44 3 76 15.00 表 3 基于SMOTE算法不平衡数据处理后的福建省数据分布
Table 3. Data distribution of Fujian province after imbalanced data processing based on SMOTE algorithm
运行等级 数量 占比/% 1 391 35.26 2 418 37.69 3 300 27.05 合计 1 109 100.00 表 4 目标域数据初始伪标签分布
Table 4. Initial pseudo-label distribution of target domain data
运行等级 数量 占比/% 1 49 8.13 2 369 61.19 3 185 30.68 合计 603 100.00 表 5 迁移后模型的混淆矩阵
Table 5. Confusion matrix of transferred model
混淆矩阵 预测类1 预测类2 预测类3 真实类 1 39 3 0 真实类 2 10 364 0 真实类 3 0 2 185 表 6 迁移后模型的主要评价指标
Table 6. Main evaluation indicators of transferred model
评价指标 结果 准确度 0.975 F1分数 0.943 -
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