Abstract:The data accuracy and density of the stratospheric horizontal wind field have direct influence on the trajectory prediction accuracy and flight control accuracy of the high-altitude balloon experiment. Focusing on stratospheric wind field, this paper puts forward an interpolation method based on geostrophic wind model. The method improves the wind field accuracy in low-latitude area and calculation speed of the geostrophic wind model by improving the formula of Coriolis frequency and using two-dimensional convolution. Meanwhile, the method reduces the influence of observation error on interpolation result by using iterative binary linear regression and an improved adaptive bias weight matrix for the observed field. The experimental results show that the proposed interpolation method can effectively improve the calculation speed of the interpolation of stratospheric wind field and the interpolation accuracy of stratospheric horizontal wind field.
表 1 相关系数矩阵中位数
Table 1. Median of correlation coefficient matrix
风速分量 7月1日 7月2日 7月3日 7月4日 7月5日 7月6日 7月7日 西风 0.715 669 0.879 563 0.666 926 0.705 835 0.826 480 0.630 954 0.694 991 南风 0.627 580 0.708 596 0.517 900 0.453 280 0.649 182 0.630 954 0.478 832 合风 0.715 380 0.783 561 0.617 456 0.651 150 0.718 303 0.650 856 0.665 432 表 2 不同插值方法的R2检验结果
Table 2. R2 square test results of different interpolation methods
方法 R2 西风 南风 合风 BGW(30) 0.999 937 0.997 788 0.999 770 BGW(60) 0.999 804 0.995 244 0.999 441 BGW(90) 0.999 726 0.993 489 0.999 138 NN 0.999 782 0.996 398 0.999 522 IDW 0.999 202 0.998 867 0.998 437 表 3 不同插值方法的平均绝对误差
Table 3. Mean absolute error of different interpolation methods
方法 MAE/(m·s-1) 西风 南风 合风 BGW 0.082 857 0.115 629 0.125 175 NN 0.195 772 0.238 833 0.211 241 IDW 0.398 948 0.134 958 0.429 27 -
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