Damage prediction and failure mechanism of composite laminates under high-velocity hailstone impact
Abstract:Aiming at the potential risk of hailstone impact on the safety of composite structures, a continuum damage mechanics based nonlinear finite element model was developed to study the mechanical behavior of carbon fiber composite laminates under high-velocity hailstone impact. The Lagrangian method and smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method were used together to model the impact of hailstone, and the equation of state of water was introduced to describe the flow characteristics of the hailstone after breaking. A rate-dependent constitutive model of unidirectional composite, as well as 3D Hashin failure criteria and material stiffness reduction rule, was applied to predict the in-plane damage in composite layers. Interface elements governed by bilinear cohesive model were employed to simulate the inter-laminar delamination phenomena induced by impact. A user material subroutine VUMAT was coded and implemented to obtain the numerical solution based on ABAQUS/Explicit solver. The transient process of composite laminates under hailstone impact was reproduced and the damage characteristics and failure mechanism were analyzed in detail. The effects of impact velocity and impact angle of hailstone on the impact properties of composite laminates are discussed, which provides proper reference for numerical investigation of hailstone impact problems in composite structures.
Key words:
- carbon fiber composites /
- hailstone impact /
- high-velocity impact /
- damage /
- numerical simulation
表 1 材料刚度折减方案
Table 1. Material stiffness reduction scheme
失效模式 刚度折减系数 Ef1 Ef2 Gf12 Gf23 Em Gm 纤维拉伸失效 0.01 0.2 0.01 1 1 1 纤维压缩失效 0.01 0.2 0.01 1 1 1 基体拉伸失效 1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.01 0.01 基体压缩失效 1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.01 0.01 参数 数值 C/(cm·μs-1) 0.148 S1 2.559 S2 -1.98 S3 0.228 γ0 0.493 a 1.39 E 2.895×10-6 V/(Pa·S) 10-3 参数 数值 密度/(kg·m-3) 900 弹性模量/MPa 9 380 剪切模量/MPa 3 460 泊松比 0.33 压缩屈服强度/MPa 5.2 拉伸失效应力/MPa 0.517 应变率/s-1 屈服因子 应变率/s-1 屈服因子 0 1 500 3.62 0.1 1.01 103 3.84 0.5 1.5 5×103 4.33 1 1.71 104 4.55 5 2.2 5×104 5.04 10 2.42 105 5.25 50 2.91 5×105 5.75 100 3.13 106 5.96 参数 数值 密度/(kg·m-3) 1 440 K/(N·mm-3) 1×106 N/MPa 30 S=T/MPa 75 GIC/(N·mm-1) 0.3 GⅡC=GⅢC/(N·mm-1) 0.6 参数 数值 参数 数值 Ef1/GPa 230 G2/GPa 0.041 Ef2=Ef3/GPa 15 θg2/ms 12 000 Gf12=Gf13/GPa 2.35 ρ/(kg·m-3) 1 570 Gf23/GPa 24 Vf 0.6 Em/GPa 2.31 μ12=μ13 0.25 E1/GPa 0.971 μ23 0.38 θe1/ms 0.041 ξ 0.1 E2/GPa 0.104 XT/MPa 2 100 θe2/ms 121 000 XC/MPa 1 050 Gm/GPa 0.857 YT/MPa 71 G1/GPa 0.401 YC/MPa 132 θg1/ms 0.077 S/MPa 75 -
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