Abstract:In this paper, the influence of the head disturbance block on the structure of the flow around the back of the slender body is studied. The slender body model is simulated at the angle of attack of 5°-60° through numerical simulation. The numerical calculation method selected is the Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes (RANS) method. This paper mainly compares whether to add a disturbance block model at an angle of attack of
α =20°, 30°, analyzes the development of the flow around different sections along with the axial position, proposes a method to verify the topological structure, and finds the position of the singularity in each flow state. The position of the vortex core is used to analyze the development of the flow around the back of the model. It is found that the premise of adding a known regular disturbance block can speed up the conversion speed between the surrounding flow structures, and will reduce the angle of attack generated by the asymmetric vortex.-
Key words:
- surrounding flow structure /
- slender body /
- asymmetric flow /
- saddle point /
- topological structure
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