Identity-based authentication key agreement protocol for horizontal federated learning environment
Abstract:In recent years, federated learning has received extensive attention in many fields, but this technology inevitably causes data transmission security problems. However, authentication and key agreement are important to ensure secure transmission and reliable communication between communicating entities. This study suggests a lightweight certificateless authentication and key agreement protocol that is identity-based and takes into account the data properties of horizontal federated learning. The participants need to register at the key generation center (KGC) and use public parameters to calculate their temporary keys and long-term keys which is to complete authentication and calculate the session key. Subsequently, the eCK model is used to prove the security of the protocol proposed in this paper. A thorough analysis shows that this protocol is appropriate for a single-server horizontal federated learning environment since it has full security features, low processing and communication costs.
表 1 相关协议安全属性对比
Table 1. Security properties comparison among related protocols
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