Mural inpainting with generative adversarial networks based on multi-scale feature and attention fusion
Abstract:This study proposes a deep learning model for mural restoration based on generative adversarial networks with multi-scale feature and attention fusions, addressing insufficient feature extraction and detail loss of the existing deep learning image inpainting algorithms during reconstruction. Firstly, a multi-scale feature pyramid network is designed to extract feature information of different scales in mural images, which enhances the feature relevance. Secondly, using the self-attention mechanism and feature fusion module, a multi-scale feature generator is constructed to obtain rich context information and improve the restoration ability of the network. Finally, the minimal confrontation loss and the mean square error are introduced to promote the residual feedback of the discriminator, which completes the mural restoration by combining the feature information of different scales. The experimental results of digital restoration of real Dunhuang murals show that the proposed algorithm can effectively protect important feature information such as the edges and textures, and that the subjective visual effects and objective evaluation indicators are superior to those of the algorithms for comparison.
表 1 不同算法修复结果PSNR和SSIM对比
Table 1. Comparison of PSNR and SSIM repair results of different algorithms
图像Criminisi算法[5] 文献[14]算法 文献[17]算法 本文算法 PSNR/dB SSIM PSNR/dB SSIM PSNR/dB SSIM PSNR/dB SSIM 1 21.46 0.8113 26.74 0.8888 27.33 0.8229 34.17 0.9153 2 22.59 0.8035 31.16 0.8899 28.55 0.8366 33.96 0.9048 3 18.94 0.7806 28.41 0.8685 20.51 0.7834 29.42 0.8737 4 24.38 0.8448 31.16 0.8935 27.95 0.8721 32.78 0.9212 5 16.41 0.6826 21.19 0.8163 18.49 0.7581 24.78 0.8593 6 20.57 0.7589 23.40 0.7894 22.06 0.7823 27.19 0.9199 7 19.29 0.7408 19.52 0.7718 20.94 0.7587 26.93 0.9155 -
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