Remaining useful life prediction method of rolling bearing based on Transformer model
- 滚动轴承 /
- 剩余使用寿命预测 /
- Transformer模型 /
- 自注意力机制 /
- 累积变换
Abstract:Accurate rolling bearing remaining useful life (RUL) prediction is extremely important to assure the machine’s safety and decrease damage repair. To improve the accuracy of rolling bearing RUL prediction, proposed a bearing RUL prediction method based on the Transformer model, made full use of its self-attention mechanism and the advantages of encoder-decoder structure, solved the memory degradation problem caused by the too-long sequence in bearing RUL prediction, found out the dependent relationship between the input feature and the bearing degradation degree. Meanwhile, trigonometric function transform and cumulative transform are used to correct the feature's monotony and tendency, representing the rolling bearing degradation process better. The average absolute error of RUL prediction based on the Transformer model is reduced by 9.25%, 28.63%, and 34.14%, while the average ss were increased by 2.78%, 19.79%, and 29.38%, according to experimental results on the PHM2012 dataset. Experimental results on the XJTU-SY dataset showed that compared with other prediction methods, the proposed model is reduced by 17.4%, and the average ss were increased by 18.6%, which indicates higher feasibility and superiority.
Key words:
- rolling bearing /
- remaining useful life /
- Transformer model /
- self-attention /
- cumulative operation
表 1 特征和相应的计算公式
Table 1. Feature and corresponding formulas
特征 公式 反正切值标准差 $ {X_{{\text{atan}}}} = \sigma \left( {\ln [{x_i} + \sqrt {{x_i}^2 + 1} ]} \right) $ 反双曲正弦标准差 ${X_{ {\text{asinh} } } } = \sigma \left( {\dfrac{i}{2}\ln \left( {\dfrac{ {i + {x_i} } }{ {i - {x_i} } } } \right)} \right)$ 标准差 ${X_{ {\text{sd} } } } = \sqrt {\dfrac{1}{n}{ {\displaystyle\sum\limits_{i = 1}^n {\left( { {x_i} - \mu } \right)^2} }} }$ 峰值 ${X_{\text{P} } } = {\rm{max}}\left| X \right|$ 峰峰值 ${X_{ {\text{p - p} } } } = {\rm{max}}\left( { {x_i} } \right) - {\rm{min}}\left( { {x_i} } \right)$ 均方根 ${X_{ {\text{rms} } } } = \sqrt {\dfrac{1}{n}{ {\displaystyle\sum\limits_{i = 1}^n { {x_i}^2 } }} }$ 上边界 ${X_{ {\text{upper} } } } = {\rm{max} }\left( { {x_i} } \right) + \dfrac{1}{2}\dfrac{ { {\rm{max} }\left( { {x_i} } \right) - {\rm{min}}\left( { {x_i} } \right)} }{ {n - 1} }$ 脉冲因子 ${X_{ {\text{if} } } } = \dfrac{ { {X_{\text{P} } } } }{ {\dfrac{1}{n}\displaystyle\sum\limits_{i = 1}^n {\left| { {x_i} } \right|} } }$ 峰值因子 ${X_{ {\text{cf} } } } = \dfrac{ { {X_{\text{P} } } }}{ { {X_{ {\text{rms} } } } } }$ 裕度系数 ${X_{ {\text{mf} } } } = \dfrac{ { {X_{\text{P} } } } }{ { { {\left( {\dfrac{1}{n}\displaystyle\sum\limits_{i = 1}^n {\sqrt {\left| { {x_i} } \right|} } } \right)}^2} } }$ 能量 ${X_{\text{e} } } = {\displaystyle\sum\limits_{i = 1}^n { {x_i} } ^2}$ 峭度 ${X_{\text{k} } } = \dfrac{ {\dfrac{1}{n}{ {\displaystyle\sum\limits_{i = 1}^n {\left( { {x_i} - \mu } \right)^4} }} } }{ { {X_{ {\rm{sd} } ^4} } } }$ 平均绝对值 ${X_{ {\text{mav} } } } = \dfrac{1}{n}\displaystyle\sum\limits_{i = 1}^n {\left| { {x_i} } \right|}$ 偏度 ${X_{ {\text{sk} } } } = \dfrac{ {\dfrac{1}{n}{ {\displaystyle\sum\limits_{i = 1}^n {\left( { {x_i} - \mu } \right)^3} }} } }{ { {X_{ {\text{sd} } } }^3} }$ 表 2 PHM2012数据集工况信息
Table 2. Operating condition information of PHM2012 dataset
工况 径向力/N 转速/(r·min−1) 训练集 测试集 工况1 4000 1800 轴承1_1、轴承1_2 轴承1_3、轴承1_4、轴承1_5 轴承1_6 轴承1_7 工况2 4200 1650 轴承2_1、轴承2_2 轴承2_3、轴承2_4、轴承2_5、轴承2_6、轴承2_7 工况3 5000 1500 轴承3_1、轴承3_2 轴承3_3 表 3 累积变换前后比较
Table 3. Comparison before and after cumulative transformation
传统特征 单调性 趋势性 累积特征 单调性 趋势性 反双曲正弦标准差 0.57 0.71 反双曲正弦标准差 1 1 反正切值标准差 0.58 0.76 反正切值标准差 1 1 能量 0.50 0.64 能量 1 1 偏度 0.60 0.83 偏度 1 1 峭度 0.39 0.80 峭度 1 1 上边界 0.26 0.36 上边界 1 1 均方根 0.50 0.61 均方根 1 1 脉冲因子 0.54 0.78 脉冲因子 1 1 峰值因子 0.52 0.75 峰值因子 1 1 峰峰值 0.27 0.37 峰峰值 1 1 裕度系数 0.51 0.77 裕度系数 1 1 标准差 0.50 0.60 标准差 1 1 平均绝对值 0.59 0.70 平均绝对值 0.87 0.96 表 4 实验数据(PHM2012轴承数据集)
Table 4. Experimental data(PHM2012 Datasets)
数据集划分 轴承编号 非全寿命时间/(10s) 全寿命时间/
(10s)训练集 1_1 2803 1_2 871 2_1 911 2_2 797 3_1 515 3_2 1637 测试集 1_3 1802 2375 1_4 1139 1428 1_5 2302 2463 1_6 2302 2448 1_7 1502 2259 2_3 1202 1955 2_4 612 751 2_5 2002 2311 2_6 572 701 2_7 172 230 3_3 352 434 表 5 运行速度对比结果
Table 5. Running speed comparison results
预测模型 运行时间/ms Transformer 2.15 LSTM 3.47 GRU 3.33 BiLSTM 4.00 表 6 所提方法与其他2种方案的构成
Table 6. Composition of the proposed prediction method and other two schemes
预测方法 特征提取模型 预测模型 所提方法 累积特征 编码器-解码器结构
Transformer模型方案1 经典统计特征 编码器-解码器结构
Transformer模型方案2 累积特征 单编码器结构
Transformer模型表 7 所提方法和对比方法在PHM 2012数据集RUL预测结果
Table 7. The RUL prediction results of the proposed method and comparison method in the PHM 2012 dataset
轴承型号 误差El 所提方法 方案1 方案2 文献[11] 文献[25] 文献[26] 1_3 74.17 −4131 67.66 7.62 54.73 −1.04 1_4 −0.69 23.31 −98.81 69.77 38.48 85.81 1_5 9.9 336.75 10.45 −72.57 −99.4 −278.2 1_6 −12.33 102.39 −7.18 0.93 −120.0 19.18 1_7 83.62 132.32 82.48 85.99 70.65 −7.13 2_3 61.35 90.14 65.08 81.24 75.53 10.49 2_4 5.06 −196.3 14.49 9.04 19.81 51.8 2_5 −70.22 60.04 −53.99 28.19 8.2 28.8 2_6 0.78 102.82 5.13 24.92 17.87 −20.93 2_7 44.83 77.44 47.03 19.06 1.69 44.83 3_3 1.22 118.27 −1.23 2.09 2.93 −3.66 表 9 实验方案
Table 9. The experimental scheme
径向力/N 转速/(r·min−1) 训练集 测试集 11000 2250 轴承2_1
轴承2_510000 2400 轴承3_1
轴承3_5表 10 XJTU-SY数据集RUL预测结果与比较
Table 10. RUL prognostics results and comparisons on XJTU-SY dataset
模型 RMSE 平均得分 DSCN 0.0749 0.4165 RCNN 0.0803 0.3586 RVM 0.1082 0.2911 TCN-RSA 0.0659 0.4803 所提方法 0.0544 0.5697 -
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