z 向最大位移,拓扑优化减重和增加刚度效果显著,验证了弯曲梁构件的减重作用。研究结果可为飞翼布局飞行器结构减重优化奠定基础,建立的优化评估机制可为飞翼布局飞行器的内部结构设计提供参考。Abstract:Flying wing aircraft will become the mainstream of future aircraft due to its high aerodynamic efficiency; however, its performance improvement is limited by structural weight. Structural optimization is an important technique to reduce structural weight. A topology optimization model is thus established based on the internal structure of flying wing aircraft with the compliance of the aircraft skin as the objective function. The optimal arrangement of this structure is studied, and the effect and weight reduction mechanism of curvilinear spars are investigated in the structural optimization of the aircraft. The rebuilt model and the standard model are developed according to the topology optimization results and the Boeing second generation structure design respectively, using sizing optimization to evaluate the effect of topology optimization. Results show that compared with the standard model, the rebuilt model decreases the mass by 14.53% with the same compliance. The compliance of the reconstructed model is decreased by 47.90% and the maximum
z -displacement is reduced by 44.87% with the same quality, showing significant decrease in weight reduction and increase in stiffness for topology optimization. The weight reduction effect of curvilinear spars is also validated. The results of this study can lay a foundation for weight reduction optimization of flying wing aircraft, and the optimization-evaluation mechanism can provide insight into the internal structural design of flying wing aircraft.-
Key words:
- flying wing aircraft /
- topology optimization /
- sizing optimization /
- curvilinear spar /
- weight reduction
表 1 材料属性
Table 1. Material properties
物理属性 密度/(kg·m−3) 弹性模量/MPa 泊松比 数值 2780 72000 0.3 表 2 优化结果
Table 2. Optimization results
模型 质量/kg 柔顺度 标准构型 23782 513250 重构模型1 23782 267406
(47.90%↓)重构模型2 20327
(14.53%↓)513250 -
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