Design of attitude control method for ultra-low-orbit satellite with pneumatic steering gear
针对超低轨卫星姿态控制差异化需求,开展了基于气动舵机辅助的姿态控制策略研究。完成了超低轨道稀薄大气下卫星气动舵机布局设计与气动特性研究,理论气动力可达10−1 N量级,气动力矩可达10−1 N·m量级。在此基础上,完成了基于气动舵机辅助的姿态控制策略研究。通过仿真验证,在
x 轴采用动量轮控制、y 轴和z 轴采用气动舵机辅助控制情况下,可实现优于0.004°的三轴指向精度和优于0.0007(°)/s的三轴姿态稳定度。所设计气动舵机辅助姿态控制策略对超低轨卫星技术应用与发展具有重要技术价值和工程意义。Abstract:To meet the differentiated needs of the attitude control of ultra-low orbit satellites, this study investigates the attitude control strategy with the assistance of pneumatic steering gears. The layout of the gear is designed and its aerodynamic characteristics are analyzed under the thin atmosphere of the ultra-low orbit, with the theoretical aerodynamic force up to the order of 10−1 N, and the aerodynamic torque the order of 10−1 N·m. On this basis, an attitude control strategy assisted by pneumatic steering gears is designed. Simulation results show that when the
x -axis is controlled by the momentum wheel and they -axis andz -axis are controlled by pneumatic steering gears, the three-axis pointing accuracy larger than 0.004° and the three-axis attitude stability larger than 0.0007(°)/s can be achieved. The attitude control strategy designed in this paper has important technical and engineering value for the application and development of ultra-low orbit satellites. -
表 1 仿真参数设置
Table 1. Simulation parameters setting
参数 实际高度
适应系数στ数值 200 7500 0.99 0.99 表 2 气动力矩与副翼偏转对照关系
Table 2. Relationship between aerodynamic moment and rotation angle of ailerons
主翼面转角 所需气动力矩为正 所需气动力矩为负 主翼面转角为正 (20°, 0.11 N·m) (−20°, −0.13 N·m) 主翼面转角为零 (80°, 0.256 N·m) (−80°, −0.256 N·m) 主翼面转角为负 (20°, 0.13 N·m) (−20°, −0.11 N·m) 表 3 仿真参数说明
Table 3. Description of simulation parameters
参数 数值 初始姿态角/(°) [−10,20,10] 初始姿态角速度/((°)·s−1) [0,0,0] x轴转动惯量Jx/(kg·m2) 600 y轴转动惯量Jy/(kg·m2) 2000 z轴转动惯量Jz/(kg·m2) 2000 动量轮转动惯量/(kg·m2) 0.008 动量轮组每根轴输出力矩上限/(N·m) 0.2 动量轮组每根轴角动量上限/(N·m·s) 3 动量轮初始动量/(N·m·s) [0,0,0] 期望姿态角/(°) [0,0,0] 期望姿态角速度/((°)·s−1) [0,0,0] 表 4 仿真加入的随机干扰
Table 4. Random disturbance in simulations
误差类型 随机干扰的3σ 姿态角测量偏差/(°) [0.01,0.01,0.01] 姿态角速度测量偏差/((°)·s−1) [0.001,0.001,0.001] 动量轮组角加速度控制偏差/((°)·s−2) 0.001 气动翼转角控制偏差/(°) 0.01 -
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