Air combat maneuver trajectory prediction of target based on Volterra series optimized by SABA algorithm
- 轨迹预测 /
- Volterra泛函级数模型 /
- 核参数优化 /
- 自适应蝙蝠算法 /
- 截断阶数
Abstract:Target maneuver trajectory prediction is an important prerequisite for air combat situation awareness and target threat assessment. Aiming at the problems of high complexity and low prediction accuracy of traditional target maneuvering trajectory prediction model, Volterra functional series model was introduced to predict the target maneuvering trajectory by analyzing and combining the chaotic characteristics of target maneuvering trajectory time series data. To solve the problem that it is difficult to solve the high-order kernel function in Volterra functional series model, the mutation mechanism and adaptive step control mechanism were used to improve the optimization ability of bat algorithm. Then, a Volterra functional series target maneuver trajectory prediction model based on self-adaptive bat algorithm (SABA) optimization was constructed, and the future maneuvering trajectory of the target was predicted by using the optimized Volterra series model with different orders. In the simulation experiment, the feasibility of the prediction model is verified by comparing with the prediction accuracy of the Volterra series prediction model improved by other optimization algorithms, and the second-order Volterra series model is proved to bemore suitable for target maneuver trajectory prediction.
表 1 不同预测模型进行2步预测的性能对比
Table 1. Performance comparison of two-step prediction with different prediction models
算法 阶数 Mad Mse Mape Cor BA-Volterra 二阶 21.9137 6.563 3×102 0.0009 0.9983 BA-Volterra 三阶 30.5021 1.460 4×103 0.0012 0.9976 SABA-Volterra 二阶 15.4337 2.424 6×102 0.0006 0.9987 SABA-Volterra 三阶 25.1874 8.296 9×102 0.0010 0.9978 ACO-Volterra 二阶 24.4320 8.006 2×102 0.0010 0.9979 ACO-Volterra 三阶 112.5901 1.684 0×104 0.0043 0.9891 GA-Volterra 二阶 35.4252 1.355 7×103 0.0014 0.9975 GA-Volterra 三阶 202.4583 5.289 1×104 0.0080 0.9836 BPNN 83.7994 9.162 4×103 0.0033 0.9971 表 2 不同预测模型进行4步预测的性能对比
Table 2. Performance comparison of four-step prediction with different prediction models
算法 阶数 Mad Mse Mape Cor BA-Volterra 二阶 85.6052 8.851 1×103 0.0033 0.9899 BA-Volterra 三阶 134.2922 2.223 0×104 0.0053 0.9886 SABA-Volterra 二阶 27.9075 1.269 8×103 0.0011 0.9982 SABA-Volterra 三阶 27.9597 1.104 6×103 0.0011 0.9983 ACO-Volterra 二阶 30.5999 1.143 9×103 0.0013 0.9978 ACO-Volterra 三阶 114.2622 1.695 3×104 0.0045 0.9890 GA-Volterra 二阶 53.7130 3.015 4×103 0.0021 0.9970 GA-Volterra 三阶 210.4822 5.956 8×104 0.0082 0.9834 BPNN 221.7636 7.253 6×104 0.0087 0.9830 表 3 不同预测模型进行8步预测的性能对比
Table 3. Performance comparison of eight-step prediction with different prediction models
算法 阶数 Mad Mse Mape Cor BA-Volterra 二阶 108.0024 1.475 9×104 0.0042 0.9887 BA-Volterra 三阶 125.6733 1.900 8×104 0.0049 0.9888 SABA-Volterra 二阶 39.5275 1.589 9×103 0.0015 0.9976 SABA-Volterra 三阶 71.7624 6.519 5×103 0.0028 0.9968 ACO-Volterra 二阶 294.7023 1.395 2×105 0.0114 0.9811 ACO-Volterra 三阶 545.3952 3.806 3×105 0.0212 0.9689 GA-Volterra 二阶 100.6532 1.049 8×104 0.0039 0.9890 GA-Volterra 三阶 430.5977 2.278 4×105 0.0167 0.9753 BPNN 369.8697 1.923 3×105 0.0144 0.9773 -
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