Abstract:In the field of remote sensing image target detection, there still are challenges in oriented object detection. Convolutional neural network is subject to a fixed spatial structure when extracting information, and sampling locations cannot focus on objects. The scale of the remote sensing image varies greatly, and different objects require receptive fields of different scales to obtain feature map. Meanwhile, feature map with a single-scale receptive field cannot contain all effective information. In response to the first problem, deformable alignment convolution was proposed, which can first adjust the sampling locations according to the region of interest, and further learn slight offsets according to feature map, so that sampling locations can focus on objects and realize dynamic feature selection. For the second question, receptive field adaptive module based on deformable alignment convolution was proposed to fuse feature map with receptive fields of different scales and adaptively adjust the receptive field of neurons. Extensive experiments on public datasets showed that this method can improve the accuracy of remote sensing image target detection.
表 1 可变形对齐卷积与其他卷积对比
Table 1. Comparison between deformable alignment convolution and other convolutions
方法 mAP/% 标准卷积 71.17 可变形卷积 71.68 对齐卷积 72.45 可变形对齐卷积 73.18 表 2 DFSNet的消融实验对比
Table 2. Ablation studies of DFSNet
方法 感兴趣区域
适应模块mAP 基线 68.05 DFSNet的
不同设置√ 71.17 √ √ 73.18 √ √ √ 74.04 表 3 DFSNet与其他模型在DOTA数据集上的对比结果
Table 3. Comparison of DFSNet and other methods on DOTA
双/单阶段 模型 AP/% mAP/% PL BD BR GTF SV 双阶段 FR-O[2] 79.42 77.13 17.70 64.05 35.30 54.72 RoI Trans former[8] 88.64 78.52 43.44 75.92 68.81 71.10 CAD-Net[20] 87.80 82.40 49.40 73.50 71.10 72.84 SCRDet[21] 89.98 80.65 52.09 68.36 68.36 71.89 单阶段 RetinaNet 88.82 81.74 44.44 65.72 67.11 69.57 DRN[16] 88.91 80.22 43.52 63.35 73.48 69.90 R3Det[22] 89.54 81.99 48.46 62.52 70.48 70.60 DFSNet 89.12 77.40 52.05 73.47 78.02 74.01 双/单阶段 模型 AP/% mAP/% LV SH TC BC ST 双阶段 FR-O[2] 38.02 37.16 89.41 69.64 59.28 58.70 RoI Trans former[8] 73.68 83.59 90.74 77.27 81.46 81.35 CAD-Net[20] 63.50 76.60 90.90 79.20 73.30 76.70 SCRDet[21] 60.32 72.41 90.85 87.94 86.86 79.68 单阶段 RetinaNet 55.82 72.77 90.55 82.83 76.30 75.65 DRN[16] 70.69 89.94 90.14 83.85 84.11 83.75 R3Det[22] 74.29 77.54 90.80 81.39 83.54 81.51 DFSNet 79.31 87.35 90.90 85.13 84.90 85.52 双/单阶段 模型 AP/% mAP/% SBF RA HA SP HC 双阶段 FR-O[2] 50.30 52.91 47.89 47.40 46.30 48.96 RoI Trans former[8] 58.39 53.54 62.83 58.93 47.67 56.27 CAD-Net[20] 48.40 60.90 62.00 67.00 62.20 60.10 SCRDet[21] 65.02 66.68 66.25 68.24 65.21 66.28 单阶段 RetinaNet 54.19 63.64 63.71 69.73 53.37 60.93 DRN[16] 50.12 58.41 67.62 68.60 52.50 59.45 R3Det[22] 61.97 59.82 65.44 67.46 60.05 62.95 DFSNet 60.90 63.83 67.31 67.56 53.35 62.59 -
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