为解决航空发动机部件表面缺陷检测精度低、检测速度慢的问题,提出一种改进的YOLOv4算法进行智能检测。在路径聚合网络(PANet)结构中融合浅层特征与深层特征,增大特征检测尺度,同时去除自下而上的路径增强结构,提高小目标检测精度和整体检测速度;根据各类缺陷数量不同的情况,优化聚焦损失中的平衡参数,增加权重因子调节各类缺陷的损失权重,将改进后的聚焦损失代替分类误差中的交叉熵损失函数,降低样本不平衡和难易样本对检测精度的影响。实验表明:相比于原始YOLOv4算法,改进后的YOLOv4算法在测试集上的平均精度均值(mAP)为90.10%,提高了2.17%;检测速度为24.82 fps,提高了1.58 fps,检测精度也高于单发多框检测(SSD)算法、EfficientDet算法、YOLOv3算法和YOLOv4-Tiny算法。
Abstract:In order to enhance the accuracy and speed of surface defect detection of aeroengine components, an improved YOLOv4 algorithm is proposed for intelligent detection. Firstly, shallow features and deep features were integrated into the path aggregation network (PANet) to improve the feature detection scale, and the bottom-up path augmentation structure was removed to increase the accuracy of small target detection and the overall detection speed. Then, according to the numbers of various defects, the balance parameter of the focal loss was optimized, and a weight factor was added to adjust the loss weight of various defects. The improved focal loss was used to replace the cross-entropy loss function in the classification error, thus reducing the impact of imbalanced samples and hard and easy samples on the detection accuracy. The experimental results show that the mean average precision (mAP) of the improved YOLOv4 on the test set is 90.10%, which is 2.17% higher than that of the traditional YOLOv4, and the detection speed is 24.82 fps, which is increased by 1.58 fps. The detection accuracy is also higher than other algorithms including single shot multibox detector (SSD), EfficientDet, YOLOv3 and YOLOv4-Tiny.
Key words:
- YOLOv4 /
- surface defect detection /
- aeroengine /
- small target detection /
- focal loss
表 1 数据集中的目标数量
Table 1. Number of targets in dataset
缺陷类型 目标数量 总和 训练集 验证集 测试集 裂纹 1 579 580 595 2 754 缺口 848 272 270 1 390 凹坑 931 313 349 1 593 划痕 1 782 628 649 3 059 表 2 不同参数组合下的检测精度对比
Table 2. Comparison of detection accuracy under different parameter combinations
α0 β0 mAP/% AP/% 裂纹 缺口 凹坑 划痕 0.20 2.50 88.02 85.04 86.91 91.73 88.38 0.20 3.00 88.24 85.94 87.74 90.66 88.60 0.20 3.50 89.01 84.90 90.62 92.18 88.32 0.25 2.50 89.09 86.40 90.92 90.07 88.95 0.25 3.00 90.10 87.09 91.21 92.65 89.45 0.25 3.50 88.49 84.55 90.09 90.27 89.06 0.30 2.50 89.00 86.62 87.66 92.29 89.41 0.30 3.00 88.62 86.86 90.65 89.30 87.68 0.30 3.50 88.34 85.98 89.53 89.91 87.94 表 3 不同模型的检测性能对比
Table 3. Comparison of detection performance of different models
网络结构 mAP/% Speed
/fpsAP/% 裂纹 缺口 凹坑 划痕 YOLOv4 87.93 23.24 86.64 92.29 86.02 86.78 YOLOv4-A 89.61 24.94 86.36 93.12 89.10 89.86 YOLOv4-B 90.10 24.82 87.09 91.21 92.65 89.45 注:fps表示帧/s。 表 4 不同模型的网络结构参数量对比
Table 4. Comparison of network structure parameters of different models
网络结构 总参数量 参数容量/MB YOLOv4 63 953 841 243.96 YOLOv4-A 48 971 468 186.81 YOLOv4-B 48 971 468 186.81 表 5 不同算法的检测性能对比
Table 5. Comparison of detection performance of different algorithms
网络结构 mAP/% Speed/fps SSD 60.07 33.07 EfficientDet-D0 49.39 13.07 EfficientDet-D1 57.71 10.52 EfficientDet-D2 63.40 9.45 YOLOv3 86.25 30.37 YOLOv4-Tiny 54.25 64.55 YOLOv4 87.93 23.24 YOLOv4-B 90.10 24.82 -
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