Real-time performance analysis on Terahertz interconnection with timed token protocol in avionics
Abstract:Using Terahertz communication technology to achieve centimeter level inter-board/chip interconnection in avionics can reduce pins and connectors, electronic equipment volume, and maintenance costs. For the short-range Terahertz communication network with omni-directional antenna transceiver and on-off keying (OOK) modulation, the calculation results of Terahertz channel capacity are given by analyzing the point-to-point communication link considering the molecular absorption noise and loss. Combined with the timed token multi-access protocol between nodes, and according to the channel capacity, the service curve model is used to analyze the total flow analysis (TFA) and separate flow analysis (SFA) in the worst case. The real-time performance analysis method of time limited token Terahertz interconnection is obtained by fully considering the burst degree of application layer communication task with probability guarantee. The case study shows that, compared with time division multiple access (TDMA), the collision free multiple access mechanism based on time limited token protocol can adapt to the random changes of physical layer capacity and application layer load, ensure less delay, and is conducive to the realization of Terahertz Interconnection Networking and real-time communication between avionics chips and boards.
Key words:
- avionics /
- real-time communication /
- Terahertz communication /
- network calculus /
- timed token network
表 1 不同传播距离下的信道容量
Table 1. Channel capacity in different propagation distances
参数 传播距离/cm 1 5 10 50 100 1000 信道容量/(Gbit·s−1) 54.550 5.850 1.577 0.065 0.016 1.6×10−4 表 2 节点消息负载状况及带宽分配
Table 2. Node message load and bandwidth allocation
节点 ki Pi /μs Ci /μs Di /μs THTi /μs 1 2 120 2.7 120 5.40 2 4 100 1.2 120 5.76 3 6 100 0.8 100 4.80 4 3 120 2.5 150 9.38 5 5 120 2.0 120 10.00 6 4 150 2.3 120 9.20 7 3 100 2.7 100 8.10 8 5 120 1.2 160 8.00 9 6 160 1.8 120 10.80 10 4 120 2.2 120 8.80 表 3
${{\boldsymbol{T}}_i}\left( {{\tau _i}} \right)$ 概率分布Table 3. Probability distribution of
${{{T}}_i}\left( {{\tau _i}} \right)$ 节点 THTi/μs ${ {{T} }_i}\left( { {\tau _i} } \right)$/μs ${\tau _i}$/μs 概率P 1 5.40 2.7 0~57.3 0.4775 5.4 57.3~120 0.5225 2 5.76 1.2 0~23.8 0.238 2.4 23.8~48.8 0.25 3.6 48.8~73.8 0.25 4.8 73.8~100 0.262 3 4.80 0.8 0~15.87 0.1587 1.6 15.87~32.53 0.1666 2.4 32.53~49.2 0.1667 3.2 49.2~65.87 0.1667 4.0 65.87~82.53 0.1666 4.8 82.53~100 0.1747 表 4 不同保证概率下3种方法的Beff估算结果
Table 4. Estimation results of Beff with three methods in different guaranteed probabilities
保证概率 ε Beff/μs 正态置信概率估计 Chernoff界估计 Monte Carlo仿真 10−2 56.7 56.6 56.4 10−3 61.6 60.3 60.2 10−4 65.4 62.9 62.9 10−5 68.5 64.8 64.2 表 5 网络负载率与最大延迟
Table 5. Network load rate vs. maximum delay
网络负载率U/% TDMA/μs 限时令牌/μs 最大延迟减小/% 30 31.23 27.75 11.14 50 50.47 45.25 10.34 80 81.24 73.9 9.03 表 6 U=30%时的节点消息负载状况
Table 6. Node message load when U = 30%
节点 ki Pi /μs Ci /μs Di /μs THTi /μs 1 2 120 1.0 120 2.00 2 4 100 0.5 120 2.40 3 6 100 0.5 100 3.00 4 3 120 1.0 150 3.75 5 5 120 0.75 120 3.75 6 4 150 0.5 120 2.00 7 3 100 1.0 100 3.00 8 5 120 0.5 160 3.33 9 6 160 0.5 120 3.00 10 4 120 1.0 120 4..00 表 7 U=50%时的节点消息负载状况
Table 7. Node message load when U = 50%
节点 ki Pi /μs Ci /μs Di /μs THTi /μs 1 2 120 2.0 120 4.00 2 4 100 1.0 120 4.80 3 6 100 1.0 100 6.00 4 3 120 1.0 150 3.75 5 5 120 1.25 120 6.25 6 4 150 2.0 120 8.00 7 3 100 1.0 100 3.00 8 5 120 1.0 160 6.67 9 6 160 0.5 120 3.00 10 4 120 1.0 120 4.00 -
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