Abstract:The ellipse-based optical navigation technology has become a novel and precise autonomous navigation method. Therefore, how to fit the elliptic edge of the space object is the essential condition of the optical navigation method. We propose an ellipse detection algorithm for the spacecraft optical navigation in this paper. First, the elliptic curves are extracted by utilizing the polygonal curve to approximate the edge in edge map of the navigation image. Second, the elliptic curves are merged accurately by a model selection criterion derived from the maximal likelihood ratio hypothesis test. Finally, the ellipses in the navigation image are detected by fitting the merged elliptic curves. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can detect ellipses with higher accuracy and robustness than the traditional ellipse detection methods, and can be applied in the ellipse detection for the spacecraft optical navigation method to provide the precise curves as the inputs.
Key words:
- space objects /
- elliptic edge /
- ellipse fitting /
- ellipse detection /
- optical navigation
表 1 椭圆检测算法对几何参数鲁棒性测试数据集
Table 1. Dataset testing robustness of ellipse detection algorithm to geometric parameters
数据集 图像数量 图像尺寸/像素 半长轴a/像素 半短轴b/像素 长短轴之比a/b 旋转角θ/(°) 数据集1 9100 400×400 100 区间[1,100],步长为1 不需设定,由a和b确定 区间[0,90],步长为1 数据集2 10000 400×400 区间[1,100],步长为1 不需设定,由a和a/b确定 [0.01,1],步长为0.01 60 -
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