Abstract:A wind tunnel device simulating Herbst maneuver and the related motion/flow synchronous measurement technology are developed. By the device, the roll oscillation of the chined-body configuration undergoing the Herbst maneuver is studied. The device is used to study the roll oscillation of the chined-body configuration during the Herbst maneuver. The main stage form the rolling motion is revealed and the influence of motion parameters on the rolling motion is analyzed. Results show that the roll oscillation in the Herbst maneuver mainly comes from the pitch-up stage, and the conical motion stage has little effect on the rolling motion. In the pitch-up stage, the rolling motion can be divided into the quasi-static region, transition region and sine-like region. As the reduced pitch rate is 0.01, the curves of the rolling motions undergoing pitch up coincide each other before the pitch angle of 50°, and after that pitch angle the curves are dispersed. The reduced pitch rate can be used as a dimensionless parameter for the rolling motion of the chined-forebody configuration undergoing pitch up within a certain range of pitch angle. The rolling motion of the chined-forebody configuration undergoing pitch up within a specific range of pitch angle can be described by the reduced pitch rate, which can be employed as a dimensionless parameter.
Key words:
- Herbst maneuver /
- wing rock /
- chined-body configuration /
- wind tunnel tests /
- reduced pitch rate
图 5 Herbst机动中俯仰角
$\theta $ 和圆锥运动角${\phi _{\text{c}}} $ 的时间历程($ \varLambda_{{\rm{CA}}} $ =70°,$\omega_{\rm{p}} $ =10(°)/s,$\omega_{\rm{c}} $ =100(°)/s)Figure 5. Time histories of pitch angle
$\theta $ and motion angle of coning${\phi _{\text{c}}} $ in Herbst maneuver ($ \varLambda_{{\rm{CA}}} $ =70°,$\omega_{\rm{p}} $ =10(°)/s,$\omega_{\rm{c}} $ =100(°)/s)表 1 Herbst机动的典型试验工况
Table 1. Typical test cases of Herbst maneuver
典型工况 ${\theta _{{\text{SP}}}}$/(°) ${\theta _{{\text{EP}}}}$/(°) ${\varLambda _{ {\text{CA} } } }$/(°) ${\phi _{{\text{SC}}}}$/(°) ${\phi _{{\text{EC}}}}$/(°) ${\theta _{{\text{BR}}}}$/(°) Herbst70 10 60 70 20 160 20 Herbst50 10 40 50 20 160 20 -
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