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徐娜 许路路 何方成

徐娜,许路路,何方成. 各向异性增材制造构件的超声阵列全聚焦成像[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2023,49(5):1063-1070 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0404
引用本文: 徐娜,许路路,何方成. 各向异性增材制造构件的超声阵列全聚焦成像[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2023,49(5):1063-1070 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0404
XU N,XU L L,HE F C. Total focusing imaging in anisotropic additive manufacturing components using ultrasonic array[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2023,49(5):1063-1070 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0404
Citation: XU N,XU L L,HE F C. Total focusing imaging in anisotropic additive manufacturing components using ultrasonic array[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2023,49(5):1063-1070 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0404


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2021.0404
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(51505449,52075049)


  • 中图分类号: TB553

Total focusing imaging in anisotropic additive manufacturing components using ultrasonic array

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (51505449,52075049)
More Information
  • 摘要:

    针对激光增材制造构件的各向异性特征,开展超声波传播特性研究,并基于群速度测量结果对常规超声阵列全聚焦成像算法进行优化。采用CIVA超声仿真软件对含有横通孔和平底孔缺陷的试样开展全聚焦仿真研究,结果表明,材料的各向异性对超声阵列全聚焦检测的成像质量、缺陷定位精度和缺陷分布范围均具有明显影响;开展全聚焦成像检测实验,结果表明,优化后的全聚焦成像算法能够实现激光增材制造钛合金试样中直径0.8 mm平底孔缺陷的准确检测,成像阵列性能指标(API)值减小至0.43,缺陷定位误差缩小至0.54 mm,检测能力和定位精度显著提高。


  • 图 1  激光增材制造金属材料中声速计算示意图

    Figure 1.  Schematic of wave velocity calculation in laser additive manufacturing materials

    图 2  激光增材制造金属材料中准纵波声速变化曲线

    Figure 2.  Velocity curves of quasi-longitudinal wave in laser additive manufacturing materials

    图 3  全聚焦成像算法原理图

    Figure 3.  Schematic of total focus imaging algorithm

    图 4  横通孔缺陷CIVA仿真模型

    Figure 4.  CIVA simulation model of horizontal through holes

    图 5  横通孔缺陷的常规全聚焦成像算法结果

    Figure 5.  Imaging results of horizontal through holes using conventional total focusing algorithm

    图 6  横通孔缺陷优化后的全聚焦成像算法结果

    Figure 6.  Imaging results of horizontal through holes using optimized total focusing algorithm

    图 7  横通孔缺陷优化前后的定位误差

    Figure 7.  Positioning error before and after optimization for horizontal through holes

    图 8  横通孔缺陷优化前后的成像API值

    Figure 8.  API value before and after optimization for horizontal through holes

    图 9  平底孔的CIVA仿真模型

    Figure 9.  CIVA simulation model of flat-bottom hole

    图 10  平底孔位置的局部图

    Figure 10.  Partial image of the flat-bottomed hole

    图 11  根据实验全矩阵数据拟合的声速曲线

    Figure 11.  Fitted velocity curves based on experimental FMC data

    图 12  X-Y面常规全聚焦成像算法的实验结果

    Figure 12.  Experimental results of X-Y surface using conventional total focusing imaging algorithm

    图 13  X-Y面优化的全聚焦成像算法的实验结果

    Figure 13.  Experimental results of X-Y surface using optimized total focusing imaging algorithm

    表  1  平底孔缺陷优化前后成像结果

    Table  1.   Imaging results before and after optimization for flat-bottom holes

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