Abstract:In order to evaluate the mental workload of pilots in flight task, a quantitative evaluation model of mental workload based on task demand load (TDL) and staff workload capacity (SWC) was established. Based on this, the evaluation methods of surplus mental workload (SMWL) and occupancy rate of mwl (ORMWL) were proposed. The information entropy method was used to quantify the amount of information on the information display and control interface, based on the flight situation experiment designed by the MATB task platform, in order to verify the validity of the model, the mental workload of 15 subjects at different task levels was evaluated. Based on the flight situation experiment designed by the MATB task platform, the information entropy method was used to quantify the amount of information on the information display and control interface. In order to verify the validity of the model, the mental workload of 15 subjects at different task levels was evaluated. The results show that the SMWL value of the SMWL model method was correlated with the NASA subjective scale value. And, the increase of task level had a significant U-shaped impact on the mental workload of the staff. Meanwhile, the increase of task level had a significant U-shaped impact on the mental workload of the staff. Therefore, the model established in this paper and based on the concepts of SMWL and ORMWL can be used to conduct a real-time and quantitative evaluation of the mental workload of pilots during flight tasks, providing a new idea for the quantification of mental workload.
表 1 MATB子任务信息
Table 1. Details of MATB subtasks
任务名称 区域 任务内容 系统监控 1 要求被试监控F1~F4刻度栏的指针,当动态指针触及任意刻度栏的上下3格时,用鼠标左键点击对应的刻度栏 追踪 2 要求被试在手动模式下用摇杆将目标保持在网格中心,在自动模式下不需要任何动作 通信 3 要求被试监控通信刻度中激活的通信任务,当激活的通信任务,即左侧的(绿色)方形滑块触碰到上方圆(红)点时,按键盘的右方向键进行响应 资源管理 4 要求被试监控编号为1~8的油泵状态,当油泵出现故障(变红)时,用鼠标左键点击对应的油泵进行响应 表 2 实验流程表
Table 2. Experimental process
步骤序号 实验内容 时间/min 1 实验培训与准备 60 2 静息实验 5 3 正式实验1 12 4 填表 2 5 休息 6 6 正式实验2 12 7 填表 2 8 休息 6 9 正式实验3 12 10 填表 2 11 确定量表维度权重 1 表 3 MATB子任务最大响应时间及信息复杂度
Table 3. MATB subtask maximum response time and information complexity
任务名称 最长响应时间/s 信息复杂度 系统监控 6 2.3026 追踪 8 1.7481 通信 10 0.8856 资源管理 8 0.9831 -
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