混合极性Reed-Muller(MPRM)电路面积优化已成为集成电路设计领域的研究热点。MPRM电路面积优化是在众多的MPRM表达式中寻找与项个数最少的MPRM表达式,属于组合优化问题。为此,提出一种具有爆炸和重启机制的鲸鱼优化算法(ERWOA)。同时,提出一种多输出MPRM电路面积优化方法,该方法利用改进的鲸鱼优化算法和改进的混合极性转换算法搜索含与项个数最少的MPRM电路。基于MCNC Benchmark测试电路的实验结果表明:改进后的混合极性转换算法与基于列表技术的混合极性转换算法相比,转换效率最大提升了99.93%,与基于列表技术的极性间转换算法相比,转换效率最大提升了99.96%;改进后的鲸鱼优化算法与遗传算法相比,节省电路面积百分比最高为18.32%,平均为5.54%,与人工蜂群算法相比,节省电路面积百分比最高为14.41%,平均为5.00%。
Abstract:Mixed polarity Reed-Muller (MPRM) circuit area optimization has become a research hotspot in the field of integrated circuit design. It is a combinatorial optimization, aiming at finding the MPRM expression with the least number of terms among many MPRM expressions. A explosion strategy and restart strategy based whale optimization algorithm (ERWOA) is proposed. In addition, a multi-output MPRM circuit area optimization method is proposed, which uses the improved whale algorithm and the improved polarity conversion algorithm to search for the MPRM circuit with the least number of AND terms. Results on the MCNC Benchmark circuits show that the proposed algorithm increases the conversion efficiency by 99.93% and 99.96% at most, compared with the mixed polarity and inter-polarity conversion algorithms based on the list technology, respectively. Compared with the genetic algorithm and the artificial bee colony algorithm, the improved whale optimization algorithm saves the circuit area up to 18.32% with an average of 5.54%, and 14.41% with an average of 5.00%, respectively.
表 1 算法参数
Table 1. Algorithm parameters
参数 种群 最大迭
次数火花数 变异率 交叉率 蜜源位置
不变次数WOA 80 110 GA 50 0.08 0.8 ABC 60 9 ERWOA 40 130 5 30 表 2 混合极性转换实验数据
Table 2. Experimental data of mixed polarity conversion
电路 I/O 运行时间/s ${R_{ {\text{save}} } }$/% area1 area2 算法1 算法2 misex1 8/7 0 0 0 60 60 ex1010 10/10 0.01 0.01 0 1023 1023 misex3 14/14 0.41 0.07 82.93 6028 6028 table3 14/14 2.31 0.12 94.81 5509 5509 t481 16/1 6.54 0.23 96.48 41 41 al2 16/47 20.68 0.46 97.78 358 358 ryy6 16/1 3.55 0.17 95.21 80 80 spla 16/46 95.48 1.04 98.91 34852 34852 t2 17/16 17.01 0.54 96.83 2490 2490 table5 17/15 319.47 1.17 99.63 74504 74504 in2 19/10 750.73 2.01 99.73 6315 6315 shift 19/16 7306.43 4.75 99.93 128 128 mark1 20/31 5792.21 5.26 99.91 163838 163 838 表 3 极性间转换实验数据
Table 3. Experimental data for conversion between different polarities
电路 I/O 运行时间/s $ {R_{{\text{save}}}} $/% area3 area4 算法3 算法4 misex1 8/7 0 0 0 128 128 ex1010 10/10 0.01 0.01 0 810 810 misex3 14/14 4.58 0.16 96.51 12281 12281 table3 14/14 0.54 0.07 87.04 3273 3273 t481 16/1 16.74 0.25 98.51 42016 42016 al2 16/47 70.71 0.54 99.24 65536 65536 ryy6 16/1 1.98 0.09 95.45 19710 19710 spla 16/46 51.34 0.59 98.85 42177 42177 t2 17/16 313.76 1.07 99.66 50032 50032 table5 17/15 45.14 0.75 98.34 28668 28668 in2 19/10 6405.11 3.40 99.95 420176 420176 shift 19/16 5774.48 2.29 99.96 524033 524033 mark1 20/31 15102.41 6.42 99.96 524512 524512 表 4 算法实验数据
Table 4. Experiment data of algorithm
电路 I/O WOA GA ABC ERWOA 最优值 最差值 标准差 平均值 最优值 最差值 标准差 平均值 最优值 最差值 标准差 平均值 最优值 最差值 标准差 平均值 max512 9/6 201 295 20.46 205.85 201 215 3.13 202.75 201 204 0.78 201.30 201 201 0 201.00 ex1010 10/10 810 1011 45.16 823.15 810 926 26.15 890.10 810 879 24.16 820.15 810 810 0 810 newcond 11/2 48 52 1.30 49.00 48 51 0.78 48.30 48 52 1.19 48.70 48 48 0 48.00 br1 12/8 23 46 5.04 24.50 23 25 0.44 23.10 23 27 1.07 23.50 23 23 0 23.00 amd 14/24 104 108 1.16 104.60 104 118 3.04 107.40 104 125 4.60 106.50 104 104 0 104.00 misex3 14/14 1421 1731 82.15 1493.65 1421 1832 114.48 1632.00 1421 1964 143.53 1663.25 1421 1472 11.12 1423.55 in0 15/11 242 408 35.82 254.15 242 269 8.32 251.75 242 265 7.35 251.00 242 243 0.46 242.30 newtpla 15/5 38 40 0.59 38.45 38 39 0.46 38.30 38 45 1.50 38.80 38 39 0.22 38.05 b2 16/17 333 373 12.57 344.90 333 370 11.25 347.50 333 453 30.43 362.20 333 333 0 333.00 b9 16/5 105 251 32.06 116.30 105 161 14.63 128.55 105 233 28.80 117.15 105 105 0 105.00 in1 16/17 333 376 14.54 345.20 333 390 15.18 359.15 333 482 43.55 371.65 333 333 0 333.00 pdc 16/40 683 752 17.69 696.10 694 757 27.02 724.10 683 917 55.12 714.20 683 693 4.00 685.00 -
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